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What would you do?

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So we are supposed to be leaving next Monday on our trip to visit my in-laws in Arkansas. (That's a loooong 4 day drive btw.) Mid-last week my toddler came down with the tummy bug. It stretched out for a couple of days when you factor in the "tail end" of the bug. Since no one had a trace of it until today I stupidly thought he had managed to not pass it on to anyone else. But now my four year old has it... the works. So basically... it has a fairly long incubation for a tummy bug and I am absolutely petrified that it will just keep moving through us at this SLOW pace.


At this point, for the sake of the trip, I almost wish (God forgive me!!) that we'd all just get it right now and have it done with or of course not get it at all. But at the rate it's moving, it seems *someone* will likely have it next week if not someoneS. And well, the prospect of having a tummy virus spreading through us while on the road is everyone's worst nightmare.:ack2:


Not to mention, my MIL, whom we are going to visit is in a weakened condition... but she might just die of sadness if we cancel our trip. We cannot put off or change our dates again. With my husband's schedule and gas prices going higher and higher, the temperature only getting hotter further into the Summer... we are not going to change the dates.


What do we do??? :banghead:

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Ugh. I'm so sorry!! You know, I think I'd be tempted to bring along a big bowl and LOTS of wipes and attempt the trip. As long as this bug isn't something that is causing anyone dehydration or super high fevers or anything that could cause a trip to the ER.


What about flying your MIL to you instead?

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Ugh. I'm so sorry!! You know, I think I'd be tempted to bring along a big bowl and LOTS of wipes and attempt the trip. As long as this bug isn't something that is causing anyone dehydration or super high fevers or anything that could cause a trip to the ER.


What about flying your MIL to you instead?


She is not in flying condition. :confused: They do get a fever the first day but then it goes away and just the messy symptoms are left.

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:tongue_smilie: I'm really sorry for all of you. That is just awful. But really, pack lots of towels, clothes, plastic bags for dirty....stuff.


Oooh, put them back in diapers, temporarily!?


I'll pray that no-one else gets it, or that you are all well before the trip! :grouphug:

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:tongue_smilie: I'm really sorry for all of you. That is just awful. But really, pack lots of towels, clothes, plastic bags for dirty....stuff.


Oooh, put them back in diapers, temporarily!?


I'll pray that no-one else gets it, or that you are all well before the trip! :grouphug:



Oh dear... Oh dear, oh dear... That is a horrible thought! 8 year old and 6 year old in diapers... I think I just threw up in my mouth. fainting.gif


Hubby and I are discussing our options right now...

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First, I'm so sorry that the Creeping Crud is creeping through your family!


Second, I say pack the mylanta, the kaopectate, the plastic wastebasket, the towels, the baby wipes, the altoids and go for it. Seriously. That's two down, right? Treat your tummies gently on the way (no chili-dogs, as tempting as "road food" is when you're on the open road!) and eat yogurt. Get lots of sleep between now and your "liftoff" and just light those candles and burn that incense that everything'll be fine.


Firngers crossed, good vibes and prayers going out that the crud will creep right on out your backdoor SOON!




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I know tummy bugs are tummy bugs and there's not much to be done (and, while I'm at it....I SO SORRY!!!! Blah, blech, rats, dangitall!). But, maybe your doctor could offer something to help you through the journey....like, chemical suits and gas masks. Er, no, perhaps not.


Other than that long shot, I can only offer this nugget: I have seen my kids through many a tummy bug without getting it myself. I rely on Tea Tree Oil and swear that its antiviral properties help to protect and disinfect me and our surroundings. I wipe down handles, counter tops, toilet seats, floors, anything that comes near or in contact with the sick person. Then, I rub some on my hands and pat myself around the neck. Sounds nuts (and I should warn you that many people can't do "straight" TTO, so you may want to dilute before you rub!). Make up a spritzer bottle of distilled water and TTO (about 50 drops to a small atomizer bottle), and spray yourself and your environment like mad. Then, plan to pack it on your journey.


Honestly, my biggest fear for you all is that you will somehow infect your MIL. So, you might (???) want to give her the option of choosing another time. Ack -- so hard -- but what if it were just postponed by one week? Could you and dh manage that? Could she?


Again, I'm so sorry. :confused::confused:

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They do have travel toilets.....I had one...and it came in really handy. We would use it when we went to the beach and stuff like that. It would fold up and fit right under the seat! Maybe get one of those....

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I would pack easy to digest foods -- crackers, clear liquids, bananas. Avoid citric acid, meats, etc. Don't do dairy until about 36 hrs. after the onset of vomiting. I have a diet for nausea and vomiting from my doc that's photocopied somewhere. If you want it, e-mail me and I'll hunt it down for you.

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Nancy, I know you do not know me but I want to suggest Yarrow Tea. I swear by it. Kills germs on contact. Tastes worst than I can describe but I have seen wonders. Just be sure you get a good strong set of flowers - add to boiling water and drink as hot as you can safely get down. If you want I can answer questions about it.


That drive across Canada is a long one. I'll be praying for you if you decide to make a go of it. If you get half way you can always stop off here for some tea. :001_smile: We are "just" two hours south of the 49th parallel.


Let us know what you decide.

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Honestly, my biggest fear for you all is that you will somehow infect your MIL. So, you might (???) want to give her the option of choosing another time.


This was one of my major concerns as well... that and we are staying with friends (with children) along the way on the way there and back. SO, we called his parents tonight to let them know what was happening and that we were considering putting it off...


They said that this was probably better anyways as she is still feeling incredibly weak. When she is not on oxygen her oxygen levels go down to 83% Realistically I don't know that she will ever get stronger. Kwim?


It's completely up in the air now. We know that we are not leaving as planned now. But we don't know when we will go... if we do. :confused: (((sigh)))


I must say, you all are much much much more... uh... I'll say brave than I am! Honestly, these kids aren't making it to the bathroom half the time... the idea of being stuck in a car with them vomiting and pooping themselves for 9 hours a day is about as appetizing as the thought of eating raw sewage! :lol: You guys are made of tougher stuff than I! Thankfully we didn't really have to make the ultimate call as they decided that it would be just better to put it all off for a while.


(((((SIGH SIGH SIGH)))))


Roll with it. Roll with it. Roll with it. That's what I have to keep telling myself.


Thanks all!!

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It's completely up in the air now. We know that we are not leaving as planned now. But we don't know when we will go... if we do. :confused: (((sigh)))







So hard, when life gets in the way of life. Something will open up for you, I feel sure. Meanwhile, I'm glad you don't have a four day journey full of vomit and other spew facing you. THAT would make me sick, even if I wasn't sick, kwim? It's hard enough when they're home, and you're going though every towel and rag in your closets, and running the washer non-stop!


Here's hoping it was a false alarm and that your four year old will be the last one to get it at all.




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