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JackA$$ Movies...

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Yes, incredible that those movies were actually put permanently on film, for the world to see. I have dudes in my household, so I've seen every one of those "movies" and the spin-off series. You would think men might get tired of seeing other men get hit in the crotch with flying objects, but...alas, no, they don't tire of it. Even men who usually seem quite normal and educated can be dangerously entranced when that movie comes on. Some day, scientists will do CT scans of brains that are watching Jacka$$ and find that the entire brain goes dark during viewing.



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I used to watch the tv show. I want to see the movies but am too embarrassed to bring that up to dh because he can't stand them. :glare:

(I tend to have the humor level of a 14 yr old boy)


Oh, MY household Dudes would watch it with you. :D If that show comes on, my husband is going to need 1 bag of Doritos and 3 Dr. Peppers. And there will be crumbs and empty cans all over the floor when the show's over. :tongue_smilie:

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The first Jackass movie is the one and only movie I have ever actually walked out of. I never saw any more. I am incredulous people would actually produce something like that, let alone find an audience.

The guy selling the tickets did warn me- he was politely trying to tell me it might not be something I would enjoy. I thought I was tough, and I don't mind some earthy humour- but no way was I going to watch that. I went shopping while dh laughed his head off watching the rest.

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I used to watch the tv show. I want to see the movies but am too embarrassed to bring that up to dh because he can't stand them. :glare:

(I tend to have the humor level of a 14 yr old boy)


I am the same way.


I watched the tv shows in college and I have seen the movies, but DH can't stand them.

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I saw BIL and pals watching one of them. All I could think was, "aren't those men a little old to be behaving that way?" I just don't fnd it funny. Dh, who is usually very serious, was in tears.



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They are a little old, which for me increases the laugh factor.


I keep my humor in check a lot, and people who don't know me so well are shocked when they discover what I find funny. I love a lot of high brow things, but I need the low brow, gross, teenage boy humor to keep me out of the clouds.


My 10 yo is pretty mature for his age, and one of things about PS that really gets on his nerves is how immature boys in his class are. He was telling dh and I one morning about how if anyone says the word ball all the boys start laughing.

I said (with a straight face) "Such as- look he is holding balls!"

DS "Yes."

me: "Or...he is bouncing his balls?" (starting to lose my composure)

DS: "Yes, just like that, I can't even play with balls at recess!"


At this point I lost all composure and started laughing so hard I was crying. I whispered to dh through the laughter "he said balls" and then went back to laughing, he said "Ok Beavis".


Dh and DS looked at me like :glare: and :001_huh:


It was awful, and I felt like a terrible role model. DS asked us if when we were kids if kids said things like that.

DH said "Yes, and Im pretty positive your mother was the ring leader"



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They are a little old, which for me increases the laugh factor.


I keep my humor in check a lot, and people who don't know me so well are shocked when they discover what I find funny. I love a lot of high brow things, but I need the low brow, gross, teenage boy humor to keep me out of the clouds.


My 10 yo is pretty mature for his age, and one of things about PS that really gets on his nerves is how immature boys in his class are. He was telling dh and I one morning about how if anyone says the word ball all the boys start laughing.

I said (with a straight face) "Such as- look he is holding balls!"

DS "Yes."

me: "Or...he is bouncing his balls?" (starting to lose my composure)

DS: "Yes, just like that, I can't even play with balls at recess!"


At this point I lost all composure and started laughing so hard I was crying. I whispered to dh through the laughter "he said balls" and then went back to laughing, he said "Ok Beavis".


Dh and DS looked at me like :glare: and :001_huh:


It was awful, and I felt like a terrible role model. DS asked us if when we were kids if kids said things like that.

DH said "Yes, and Im pretty positive your mother was the ring leader"



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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