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Grinding your own flour?

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My dh just ordered me a Vitamix :party:and I am was thinking about grinding my own flour. He got me the dry cup that goes with it, but where do I order wheat berries? Is what I need even wheat berries, or something else? How much? And what about rice flour, etc? Do I just grind up rice? HELP!


Obviously, I'm completely new to this. I do a lot of baking...of the ordinary, go to the store and only use wheat flour sort. I'd love to branch out into different flours, and I'd love to grind my own. I know a lot of you on here grind your own, and a lot of you also use alternate flours. Any info/links/recipes/ would be greatly appreciated! TIA.

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Thanks! I'm on my way to the grocery later, and I'll see what they have.


If I use about 15 - 30 lbs of flour a month, how many lbs of wheat berries would I need?


The law of conservation of mass would suggest that you need 15-30 lbs of wheat berries to make 15-30 lbs of flour, since you aren't adding anything except air. :001_smile:

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The law of conservation of mass would suggest that you need 15-30 lbs of wheat berries to make 15-30 lbs of flour, since you aren't adding anything except air. :001_smile:


Duh. Of course!


I was thinking volume...you know, big berries ground into fine powder = less space. :leaving:


I haven't had my coffee yet. Thanks for setting me straight.

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I buy mine at Pleasant Hill Grain online. It comes in a 6 gallon bucket. I put a gamma seal lid on it and it lasts for months.


Thanks! Those gamma seals look awesome, and a bucket would hopefully last me 1-3 months.


Keep the ideas, info and links comin' folks!

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grinding wheat actually makes more flour, volume-wise. I have no idea why that is the case, it makes no sense to me; I think last time I measured, 4 cups of wheat =6 1/2 cups of flour. If you want to experiment, try finding a Good Earth or Sunflower Market or other health food store. Usually you can find a lot of grains for a good price in their bulk section

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You get more cups of flour than cups of wheat berries ground.


I order my berries from Azure Standard Co-op. You can check their website and see if they deliver close to you.


I grind everything in my Vitamix: wheat, rice, corn, oats, buckwheat, nuts, beans, coffee, etc.


I love my Vitamix. You'll get many ideas in the cookbook that comes with it. Enjoy!

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I also grind my wheat in a Vita-Mix. I get about 1 cup flour for every 3/4 cup wheat berries. You also might want to decide what type of wheat you want. I prefer the hard white over the hard red since it is milder (or a bit closer to a white flour texture even though it's whole wheat). I also buy soft white wheat berries for cakes, muffins etc. There are lots of choices so check them out when you shop around.

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I order from the Bread Beckers. Not sure where you live, but they're out of Atlanta, and they make deliveries to ordering co-ops on the East Coast (basically the I-95 corridor, I think) on a quarterly basis.


I, too, like to get the 6-gal bucket with the gamma lid. That lasts me a while, and I don't have to order every time that way.


While you're beginning/experimenting, you might just want to find some at a grocery store like Whole Foods. There are lots of different types of grains to play around with. Have fun!

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