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How did you make K fun while teaching olders


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I am having a hard time figuring out how not to shortchange the littlest while still teaching the older kids. Basically he has tagged along with them, and when he is tired of "school" he goes and plays or watches TV. But he is also a little sponge and loves to learn, and I can see that feeling going away as we concentrate of subjects that are beyond him. In my perfect world there are 2 of me and while one teaches the olders the other me could play with him, explore the world around us, read and snuggle, cook together and just learn through fun. But that isn't reality. There aren't enough hours in the day, and I feel like he gets hurried along since I don't have as much time to do crafts and just spend time with him.

So how do you guys do it?

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I just posted about my situation (similar to this in trying to find time for everybody). One of the best pieces of advice I got was to teach the youngest first, all by himself and to break up the learning time with him so that you are doing it a couple times a day. The example they gave was to start the day earlier with that child and work a little while, then have another chunk of time with him first thing after lunch.


Good luck!

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I will also have a 3rd grader and a full time K'er in the fall....not sure how to make it fun for her so she doesn't feel like she's missing out on 'big school'. I am getting those Arts & Crafts magazines/books...the ones from Mailbox and have decided we MUST do at least one a week (not for art, just for seasonal, fun stuff). Also, I am MAKING myself do FIAR with her (It's a great program, but I am a box checker so I have to relax to do this! LOL) and I am considering NOT combining her into our NL2 science and getting her own K level b/c it's gentler and she will have her own....but I don't know b/c I'm so worried about time. I'm all ears for ideas!



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My 5 yod was not ready for K at the beginning of the school yr, but she is now. I have decided to start K with her this summer and do all the activities etc while I have more time. Once it is routine, it is easier for me to incorporate around it. So when school starts back with the olders in the fall, she and I will both already be "trained" in our routine.

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You can give the older ones some work they can do without you while you work with the K'er. My biggest thing was for the children to pay the same respect to my Ker's time with me as that child was suppose to with them. I make it a strict rule when I am doing my one on one time with any child, the others will not disturb us for any reason unless it is an emergency. This let's the youngest know his time with mom is just as important as the others.

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You can give the older ones some work they can do without you while you work with the K'er. My biggest thing was for the children to pay the same respect to my Ker's time with me as that child was suppose to with them. I make it a strict rule when I am doing my one on one time with any child, the others will not disturb us for any reason unless it is an emergency. This let's the youngest know his time with mom is just as important as the others.


I like this advice! I will be facing this in distant future but I am filing this away in the back of brain!

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I appreciate the advice. Because the Kr is my Grandson, I don't get him until about 10am, so early morning isn't ideal. I am going to look at our schedule though and instead of switching between the 2 olders and their independent work I am going to try to plan on both of them working on something independently so I can work with the little guy. I am also looking at Starfall since he loves the computer and concentrate any tablework on his handwriting. I am also going to make up a couple of baskets of crafts, arts, and manipulatives so that I can assign him a basket instead of using the TV as a babysitter. He loves cartoons and I want to wean him off of them a bit. When he gets his breaks he asks for cartoons and I really want him to have alternatives.

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Confession: We do Bob Jones for K. We make the cutesy snacks, we play the silly games, we do the workbook pages, we do the reading. I do well over half of what is in the teacher manual - within reason for a homeschool family (clearly I can't do an activity that requires 10-30 kids). BJU was FUN for my son and we will do it again for my youngest when it is her turn. It never took too long and it was everything I loved and remembered from kindergarten for myself all those years ago.


At first grade... onto the classical model.

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If you can carve out some time while the olders are doing "assigned reading" or something semi-independent, that's when you'd work with your K-er. (I schedule these things because they won't get done otherwise.)


My K is pretty light & tries to be fun. She has to do 'learn to read' everyday, some math play ("Miquonish"), and then gets to pick an activity 3-4 times a week to do. She likes to have a book read to her, she gets crafts 3x a week (love Shirleysprepackagedcrafts.com!), and "cooking class" once per week. (It was brownies this week. Last week, it was a SOTW food activity that we were going to do anyway.)

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My son had so much fun with the 3Rs I chose, I didn't really feel a need to add much extra, except lot's of reading aloud. We used Rightstart math, and Abeka phonics ,which incorporate alot of fun games.


I know what you mean though, I used MFW K with his older sister, and had time to do so much more hands-on fun stuff.

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