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For those who have children with sensory issues...

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I agree. It's our family. How lucky. :D


both of our kids have sensory issues. Both were born full term, at home, with no medical intervention other than supervision of the process by our midwife (and our doctor, who arrived after they were born, in both cases :tongue_smilie:) I was in labor with ds 11 for about 4 hours (no tomatoes, please) and with ds 8 for about two hours. Needless to say, these were uncomplicated births. And at the risk of revealing my age on the internet, I was 40 and 42 when they were born.


I think they come by thier issues "honestly," - dh and I have them, to varying degrees, as well. HTH

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Interesting. My oldest has sensory issues and his birth was horrible! 24 hours of labor and he crowned and went back up the birth canal because the cord was around his neck a few times. I called him my bungie baby.


We ended up in an emergency C-section.

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My DD was born at 34 1/2 weeks, by emergency C-section, due to pre-eclampsia, pre-term labor, and past history (they probably wouldn't have rushed to a C-section quite so quickly were it not that I had previously had one at 22 weeks, and therefore have a pieced-together uterus with a high risk of rupture should I go into full labor). She didn't require oxygen, and was released from NICU before I was released from post-op.


She's considered "borderline" for Sensory integration disorder, and has low muscle tone, but isn't considered clinically hypotonic, so she's in the "she's going to struggle, but not enough to get services or for therapy to be medically necessary" category.

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Dd18 - no sensory issues. No difficulties during pregnancy. Very difficult labor/delivery with drugs and epidural. Yes to pitocin. Forceps delivery. No distress and no monitoring needed after birth.


Ds14 - Aspergers syndrome with sensory issues. No difficulties during pregnancy. Shorter labor than first baby and I had an epidural. No pitocin. No distress and no monitoring needed after birth.


Dd13 - no sensory issues. I had preterm contractions with her at around 34 weeks and I was put on light bedrest, meaning I could walk around from room to room but I couldn't leave the house for shopping. Short labor, no drugs or epidural because there was no time. The cord was wrapped around her neck twice. She had a heart murmur and was monitored in the nursery for 4 hours before they finally released her to me.


All 3 of my deliveries share one strange detail. Each was born at exactly 38 weeks 2 days. It was pretty cool. :)

Edited by Night Elf
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