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Do you do TOG Unit Celebrations?


Do you and your family have TOG celebrations at the end of each unit?  

  1. 1. Do you and your family have TOG celebrations at the end of each unit?

    • Yes! My family loves the unit celebrations and we always include them.
    • Nope...nice idea, but doesn't work for us.
    • Sometimes, but not always.
    • Other

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I'm just curious about what the majority of you all do at the end of each unit. Please reply and if you don't mind, give us an idea of the various types of celebrations you've enjoyed. I'd also like to ask for suggestions on how a family with only one student might enjoy a unique celebration as well.




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One day we might get to Unit Celebrations, but not yet. We have been doing TOG for 3 years each year I have added in a new student and the dynamic changes. I now have a child who loves hands-on projects and might like to do Unit Celebrations. We have taken trips/museum visits that correspond with our studies.


Here is a great blog for TOG projects and celebrations



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One day we might get to Unit Celebrations, but not yet. We have been doing TOG for 3 years each year I have added in a new student and the dynamic changes. I now have a child who loves hands-on projects and might like to do Unit Celebrations. We have taken trips/museum visits that correspond with our studies.


Here is a great blog for TOG projects and celebrations



Thanks for the blog link!

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Our celebrations vary and are very simple.


About 2 weeks before the end of a unit, I ask each child to pick 2-3 things to share. The oldest, age 11, might share a map, a 5 paragraph essay, a craft, and a memorized selection. The youngest, age 7, might share a picture with a few describing sentences, a craft, and a memorized selection.


I type a program for us to record how we celebrated. We often pick one food to fix and invite a friend or two.


Once we took 1/2 of a celebration to an elderly neighbor, who doesn't mind the children needing a chance to share, even if she can't hear 2/3 of it.


This time year one- unit one, I'm going to attempt camping in the backyard for 2 nights. We'll see if we can jump when the weather gives us something nice.


I wouldn't put the time into it, except I've seen how much the children needed a chance to practice sharing/ speaking in front of people

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I voted other because I have not yet done one, but we are certainly planning to do them each unit when we start next year. We plan to have a family pot-luck with the other families in our TOG group and let that be the time when the children present their memory work, presentations and projects.


I am hoping that having other families to meet with regularly will help us stick to this.

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I voted "no", as we don't do an end of each unit celebration. But, we do occasionally do a "celebration" when we feel like it.


For instance, we did an African celebration with African food and crafts with friends. Sometimes it works out. If it does, great. If not, I've got enough on my plate!

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I voted "other" because we just started ToG this past semester and have only completed one unit. We didn't do a celebration, but knowing my kids, as we go forward we'll end each unit with a big bang! (They love to plan parties and get togethers, etc. Will be fun as they get older and can shoulder more of the responsibility.)

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We don't do the unit celebrations as suggested by TOG, so I voted no. However, we do like to prepare a traditional meal from the culture/time period being discussed. If I can find a museum exhibit, IMAX movie, or anything fun or different related to our TOG studies I like to include it.


I can definitely see why TOG recommends the unit celebrations - doing anything out of the ordinary seems to cement the information and serves as a marker in the brain. "Oh I remember learning about ancient India - We made Naan!"

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Our co-op has a unit celebration. Usually the kids dress up in a costume of the times. We have everyone bring the work we did during the unit. The kids say the memory work they have been working on. Sometimes the kids perform a short play.


We are finishing up Year 1. Last unit we did Olympic games (running races, discus (frisbee) and Javalin (a dowel rod). For Year 4, we did a 1920s party and a 1950s party. Everyone brought a dessert from that time period.


The kids love them.

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We have done some, but then sometimes it just doesn't happen. Last year at the end of the year we planned to have a big celebration (Roman, early church, etc) but my husband and oldest son had mono, and my mother-in-law had a brain surgery so it did not come to pass. This year: mother-in-law has had more brain surgeries, father-in-law had hip replaced, my husband had leg surgery, and we are currently looking for a house. I don't foresee any celebrations happening soon. It is beginning to look like we are not even going to have a summer break between this year (that seems like it will never end) and next year.

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We don't do the unit celebrations as suggested by TOG, so I voted no. However, we do like to prepare a traditional meal from the culture/time period being discussed. If I can find a museum exhibit, IMAX movie, or anything fun or different related to our TOG studies I like to include it.


I can definitely see why TOG recommends the unit celebrations - doing anything out of the ordinary seems to cement the information and serves as a marker in the brain. "Oh I remember learning about ancient India - We made Naan!"



Excellent points. I have similar ideas, especially since I only have one student.




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I voted "other." This is our first year using ToG, and I keep meaning to, but haven't gotten around to it yet. :tongue_smilie: I'm hoping now that I have a better idea of what I'm doing, I'll be able to plan better for next year. :)

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