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It's the thought that counts!

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My five year old little boy gave me a present for Mother's Day.


Never mind that it was wrapped in one of his old baby blankets instead of wrapping paper.


Never mind that it was a mere toy (a toy Tinkerbell cell phone to be exact).


Never mind that it used to be his sister's.


He was quite proud to give me something, and it's the thought that counts, right? :lol:


(His Daddy on the other hand gave me a new computer game that I wanted, is currently doing the food shopping- all by himself! I didn't have to go!- And is going to make me dinner tonight). :)

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The gifts my children give me are more precious to me than all of the carp people will fight over when I am dead. My children tease me that I have all of it stored... I am known for being a minimalist but will never part with all of the drawings, cards, origami butterflies etc. They are priceless!

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You betcha!


I love the things my kids give me. My girls make pictures and cards all the time and they're up everywhere in my bedroom. I heart them all so much.


It's too bad my boys don't enjoy drawing/coloring as I'd love to have some of their stuff up too. (no, this isn't a complaint about my boys :))


Sounds like you have a real sweetie!!!

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My DH ended up giving me flowers, along with the other gift he'd planned to get me (a Ross gift card), because my DD *refused* to leave the store until Daddy bought Mommy flowers for Mom's Day. :lol: She made sure they were lillies too, because those are my favorite. :001_wub:

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