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Has anyone used Galloping the Globe?

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We are using it ATM alongside FIAR. The manual itself doesn't have much information, you choose books from the list. The cd is good for creating a notebook. It is not open and go and requires some planning, but it isn't too difficult. I estimate that we can cover the whole unit in 2 years if we study a country for 2 weeks. I plan ahead which continent/country we will do and when and choose which books I will need to add to our core books.

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We did this a couple of days a week when J was in grade 2. I plan to re-visit it next school year, maybe for a Fun Fridays study. We love, love, loved the Children Just Like Me book. I did feel the study required a library trip a couple times each month to round it out.

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We used it in kindergarten. I also taught a coop using it for 1st grade. I really loved it and so did the kids. It does take some planning and required me to make weekly trips to the library. I added in a lot of fun hands-on crafts, cooking, and dvds. (I got many of my ideas from the GTG yahoo group.)



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We used it in kindergarten. I also taught a coop using it for 1st grade. I really loved it and so did the kids. It does take some planning and required me to make weekly trips to the library. I added in a lot of fun hands-on crafts, cooking, and dvds. (I got many of my ideas from the GTG yahoo group.)





Do you have a link to the yahoo group?



I was going to do history on my own and do a very similar thing to GTG so I thought I would just purchase it to help me out. I am most interested in the book lists and the CD that has flags and maps you can print out. I definitely don't mind hitting the library to find the books. Thanks for all the info!!!


BTW, how is the Christmas Around the World segment? I was thinking of taking the month of Dec off (we are going to HS year round) and just doing that (along with math and reading).

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Here's a link to the yahoo group:




We're going to do Cantering the Country next year - primarily with my 2nd and 4th graders. I have Galloping the Globe, too. I used it a little with FIAR and other curricula over the years. I think it's a helpful resource to have around.





Thanks! I just bought it on Amazon and am really excited to get it (it was backordered :glare:).

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Yes, for 2 years now with my littles. We are taking the relaxed approach and making notebooks for each continent. We have finished Europe and Asia.


We go to the library and get out lots of books on the culture, artist, composer, etc. Then we read and look through all those books over a few weeks. They draw and label their own map, color a flag and draw a picture of something that interests them. We might do a project or cook a particular food too.


It has been very enjoyable for us.

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Thanks! I just bought it on Amazon and am really excited to get it (it was backordered :glare:).


Yay! I think you'll enjoy it. We did it this year. I had big plans to use it over Christmas and that never really came together. I love how there are many layers to it. While we just scratched the surface this year, it could easily be re-used down the road and my kids would get tons more out of it. Don't expect to do everything, lol.


Enjoy! :)

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LOVED our time with GG :D We used it when my eldest was in 1-2nd grade. :)


If you do a quick google search you should pull up a blog {homeschool creations} and she has gobs of free printables to go with GG. We didn't use them for two reasons. One, she didn't have them then. Two, we teamed it up with FIAR too. :D


We spent 2 weeks in each country. 1 week with the FIAR book, 1 week focusing in on the GG country and other stuff they provided.. Making a meal, indepth look at said country, making a costume, learning about an animal, etc.


We bought everything they recommended having, but in the end I gave away the Diana Zuke book. I didn't feel we needed it and still don't. Not when there are soooooo many freebies for lapbooks and notebooks out there. Save yourself the money!


I also never ended up using the My Father's World geography books and just recently cleared them off my shelf. I felt they were just too workbooky and not needed considering how much we were learning without it.


I also never used the science programme called for, despite going to great efforts to obtain it, and ended up selling that off too! Instead we read about the animal mentioned from each country. We learned quite a bit and then made a mammal poster. My kids still remember that! I took a piece of poster board and put lines in both directions on it. We put a picture of the animal and then they could ticks boxes along the way to decide if the animal was a mammal or not. We also had a slot to find out if they were herbivores, omnivores, etc.


So very many good and sweet memories with that curriculum. We never did do CC and someday we might do GG again, who knows. :D

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I was just going to link you to an amazing blog and I see someone else beat me to it. http://homeschoolcreations.blogspot.com/


I wanted to have something we could all do together for fun, so we've been using GTG. I spent lots of time last summer on this blog and planned our year, printed out flags and currency, bookmarked some fun videos on youtube (sumo wrestling...big hit! Oh and the rangoli art from India!) and looked at books. We're actually going to do it over 2 years since it's just an extra for us and it has been really fun! It's my kids' favorite part of the day when we get to it! We're taking our time and not doing anything in depth, but it's been a great little extra.


One more kid favorite...I bought little passports and flag stickers from Rainbow Resource. The kids keep them in their notebooks and after we finish each country we "stamp" them with the date. They love that part! Although, I'll admit it's a little embarrassing sometimes to see how long it was between countries! Oops! Maybe we'll spend 3 years on this! :)

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Just echoing more of what's already been said - -

Homeschool Creations is a FANTASTIC resource. Although she scheduled 2 weeks for most countries and I only scheduled 1 week for each, it was really great to see what she had done.


I also bought a passport (Rainbow Resource) and flag stickers (50 cents at the used curr. sale! score!). We used this as the end to each study. I would have DD find the sticker, place it on her passport, write the name of the country on that page, and then dictate to me what she had learned about the country. I found that reviewing this way was really helpful for cementing what she had learned & then reinforcing key facts that I wanted her to remember.


I highly recommend having the CD to print pages as you need them. I often gave a map to my 2 year old who wanted to "do school" with us, and there were times when I needed to reprint something for my 1st grader.


I bought the various missionary books, but honestly did not find myself using them at all. Many of the stories were just not what I wanted to focus on at this age.


Good luck to you! Enjoy this fun program!

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I was just going to link you to an amazing blog and I see someone else beat me to it. http://homeschoolcreations.blogspot.com/


I wanted to have something we could all do together for fun, so we've been using GTG. I spent lots of time last summer on this blog and planned our year, printed out flags and currency, bookmarked some fun videos on youtube (sumo wrestling...big hit! Oh and the rangoli art from India!) and looked at books. We're actually going to do it over 2 years since it's just an extra for us and it has been really fun! It's my kids' favorite part of the day when we get to it! We're taking our time and not doing anything in depth, but it's been a great little extra.


One more kid favorite...I bought little passports and flag stickers from Rainbow Resource. The kids keep them in their notebooks and after we finish each country we "stamp" them with the date. They love that part! Although, I'll admit it's a little embarrassing sometimes to see how long it was between countries! Oops! Maybe we'll spend 3 years on this! :)



Thanks for posting the website and telling me about the passport idea! I love it!!!!!!!

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