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Teachers Bistro! 5-5-2011

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Welcome to the Bistro! Happy Cinco de Mayo! Who can tell me what Cinco de Mayo is really all about?



What's for lunch? What was for breakfast? Snack? Too early for lunch here (it's not quite 0930). Had cold veggie pizza for breakfast. It's a bit early for snack yet. :lurk5:


What are you hoping for today? Me: I'm hoping my kids can actually get along today. :001_huh: That the youngest will not try to be with his sister every.minute.of.the.day. That the older will be gracious with her words and not constantly tell the youngest to, "Stop following me!"


What's been exciting in your week? Or just fun and different? Me: I've been receiving curricula packages in the mail. I should get one more this week, one more next week and then I think I'll be done with curricula shopping! ;)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 slice cinnamon chip bread (the best bread ever!), water


Cinco de Mayo - Mexico's Independence Day!


Hoping - I'm hoping that a fairy godmother will come along and give me some energy. I over did it yesterday and I barely made it out the door this morning. Seeing as I still have to dress and get out the door to take dd to speech in ten minutes, she'd better hurry over here with her wand.


Exciting - let's see - the neighbors took out phone and cell service by digging next to the entire neighborhood's phone boxes. We tried out the Y yesterday. The kids had a blast in the pool. I'm exhausted.


Oops! Got to go now!

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Good Morning.

I had my homemde granola for breakfast with Greek yoghurt and a mango. It's too early for lunch, but that will be a salad today.


I'm hoping to go for a run and get a shower before time to take the kids to judo.


I can never buy for next year this early. I don't know how people do it. I take a month off before I can get a clear perspective on this year so that I can make solid plans for next year.


The sun is shining this week which is very exciting. I am starting to think warm, summery thoughts. I love sitting in the swing under my big tree in summer letting the days go by slowly.

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It celebrates some unlikely victory of the Mexican army against the French during the same time period as the American Civil War. I was in San Anontio one year during Cinco de Mayo. They have a terrific festival including eggs that are filled with confetti.

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It celebrates some unlikely victory of the Mexican army against the French during the same time period as the American Civil War.


Yes. The battle at Puebla in Eighteen-sixty-something. There were nearly twice as many French troops as Mexican.


I haven't thought about lunch yet. It's only 10am here.


I am hoping I can manage some understanding of predistination for my Bible study.


It hasn't been an exciting week. There must have been something, but it's not coming to me.

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Cinco de Mayo- an excuse for a party, or a reason to eat Mexican food.


Breakfast- Oatmeal with chocolate chips, sunflower seeds, cinnamon and a splash of milk .


Snack: more chocolate chips and sunflower seeds


Lunch: Smoked turkey, kale leaves, and mustard on homemade bread.



Hoping: The temperature will rise a little outside today.


Exciting: We got our annual test scores in the mail today and everyone did well!

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We just finished lunch and the two older kids are taking the dog out for his "long walk" of the day. I'm using the few moments to regroup before we finish our history studies for today (we're currently listening to "The Shakespeare Stealer" by Gary Blackwood on audio cd).


We've had a pretty decent day so far. The littlest one had her weekly dance class this morning; the older kids worked independently on work while waiting in the dance studio lobby. We had a quick lunch when we got home and finished up our math and called Great-Grandma to wish her a happy birthday. Oldest took a math test & a geography test and aced both of them....so she's in a very good mood now! :-)


Hope we can finish a good portion of our audio cd before it's time to head back out for the other two girls' dance classes and then on to soccer for dd2 and ds. I'm supposed to go help with a ministry event at church this evening....I see caffeine and chocolate in my near future if I'm going to make it through the remainder of the day!:tongue_smilie:

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Lunch: salmon burgers (Costco), onion buns, baby carrots


Hoping: that ds's AP English Literature exam went well today, that dd will be recovered fully from her two days of fever to do well on her AP US History exam tomorrow and the SAT US History Subject test Saturday, that we won't get any rain this weekend, that ds will have oodles of volunteers for his two Eagle project work days this weekend, that ds will do well on AP Physics Electricity & Magnetism Monday, AP US Government Tuesday and AP Stats on Wednesday...


Exciting: My sister and I have been going nuts with one of our grocery chains for a week :D Pathmark had triples last weekend (including $1 coupons), will be having $2 doubles this weekend, and will be having another round of $1 triples next weekend :party:

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Luckymama, did I read that right? Grocery stores near you were tripling even the $1.00 coupons?? Wow!!! I'd like to take part in that! The best ours do lately is make all mfr's coupons worth a $1.00 and then have great sales.


Yes, it's the most fabulous thing ever :party: Just for three days last weekend and two days next weekend!

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Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday created by Budweiser as an excuse to party




Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday created by the NEA to give hispanic children a feel good holiday to celebrate their culture




Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday...well, you get the idea. There are a lot of Mexican's where I live and they laugh at the US celebrations of Cinco de Mayo.


In honor of Cinco de Mayo I put avocado on my hamburger for dinner.

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Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday created by Budweiser as an excuse to party




Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday created by the NEA to give hispanic children a feel good holiday to celebrate their culture




Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday...well, you get the idea. There are a lot of Mexican's where I live and they laugh at the US celebrations of Cinco de Mayo.


In honor of Cinco de Mayo I put avocado on my hamburger for dinner.


:lol: :cheers2: <--- filled with Corona.

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Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday created by Budweiser as an excuse to party




Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday created by the NEA to give hispanic children a feel good holiday to celebrate their culture




Cinco de Mayo is a fake holiday...well, you get the idea. There are a lot of Mexican's where I live and they laugh at the US celebrations of Cinco de Mayo.


In honor of Cinco de Mayo I put avocado on my hamburger for dinner.


I would guess the tequila industry has something to do with it. ;)

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