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Teachers Bistro 5-2-2011

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Welcome to the Bistro! It's Monday!


What's for lunch today? Kids and I are enjoying sandwiches on freshly-baked gluten free bread, along with a side of grapes. They're having juice to drink and I'm still trying to finish my coffee from this morning! :001_huh::001_huh:


What are you looking forward to today? Me: I'm hoping that some of the curriculum packages I ordered last week will get here today. Probably wishful thinking, but still! :D


If you were to ask someone to pray for you, what/how would you ask them to pray? Me: that my kids would just give me a ONE day break from whining/complaining/talking back when I ask them to do something! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch: homemade chicken fried rice


Looking forward to today: Just being able to get some things done around the house (laundry, making laundry detergent, VBS registrations, etc.)


Please pray for: my ability to get end of semester projects graded. DH teaches at the university and I am his grader. The problem is that he likes to hang onto things that need to be graded and then hand them to me at the last minute. As he was walking out the door this morning to his day job (teaches public high school), he sweetly smiled and said that the projects around my desk :confused: (three boxes) needed to be graded by midnight. And yes, he teaches at the university tonight until 11:15 so I can't very well :boxing_smiley:.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Lunch - I don't feel like having a salad. . . help! What should I have? Is there life without a salad with protein?


Looking forward to: My nap:) Also - I'm feeling a bit better today and so I'm looking forward to getting (hopefully) lots done.


Pray for: My dh is so overworked and tired with having basically two full time jobs.

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What's for lunch: "Bow noodles" and red sauce. Apples. (And for me, buttered toast. I crave it. :lol:)


Looking forward to: Being "off" school this week and taking it easy-ish.


Wanting prayers for: upcoming vacation, inner peace.



Scrapbookbuzz: when I'm needing what you're praying about, I make that day "skittle day" or something similar. If you do it cheerfully and without argument, you get a skittle! (Be sure to display the beautiful skittle container in a prominent area so everyone remembers!) Usually after doing that for a day, it breaks the whining habit....at least for a little bit. ;):lol:

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Welcome to the Bistro! It's Monday!


What's for lunch today? Kids and I are enjoying sandwiches on freshly-baked gluten free bread, along with a side of grapes. They're having juice to drink and I'm still trying to finish my coffee from this morning! :001_huh::001_huh:


What are you looking forward to today? Me: I'm hoping that some of the curriculum packages I ordered last week will get here today. Probably wishful thinking, but still! :D


If you were to ask someone to pray for you, what/how would you ask them to pray? Me: that my kids would just give me a ONE day break from whining/complaining/talking back when I ask them to do something! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me! :bigear:


The kids are finishing up a game of Stratego, and then we're headed to a local Mexican joint for some yummy beans, rice, and lime-chips with salsa. It's overcast and cold today, so we're feeling like some(one else's) homecooked, warm fare!


Today I'm looking forward to having our two back-to-back soccer games canceled due to the rain we've had all morning. Bad mommy, huh? It'll just be nice to have the evening free to stay under covers, eat leftovers from lunch and watch some bad television. That's our rainy day standard.


I've never been of Christian faith, but it's not unlike me to beg the universe to please let the trashmen be running a bit late today since we forgot to take out the trash last night before bed :)

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Lunch: A couple of organic apples sliced with peanut butter and the rest of my cup of coffee.


Looking forward to: chaperoning a kindergarten field trip to the art museum. :) seriously, I'm looking forward to delicious carrot soup that I'm making for dinner.


Instead of praying for me, I'd rather people pray for my husband's aunt in TN whose home was destroyed by the tornadoes. She is very sentimental and the keeper of the family memories. She's been picking through debris looking for photos, baby clothes that she and her sisters wore, and just pieces of memories to save.

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Lunch: We had leftover chicken lo mein. I swear, if I didn't painfully remember the 9 months of miserable pregnancy, the 40 hours of labor and the sleepless nights, I would have to wonder if Pigby was really mine. The kid whines and whines about leftovers, while I eat them for breakfast.


Looking forward to the antibiotics we'll be getting for Digby. The kid has been sick forever and I finally took him to the doctor. Hopefully he'll get better very soon.


Prayers: I would want prayers that my husband could find funding for his film. We need this to move forward with our goals

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Lunch: Mac and cheese (kids added bacon bits and hot sauce to theirs :glare: )


Looking forward to: Ballet & Art Auction fund-raiser tonight; and getting my new business cards in the mail (although I don't think wishing they will come today will make them actually get here today)


Prayer: Focus and dedication for what needs to be done and the ability to say "no" without guilt to those things that I cannot/ do not want to do because they do not further my personal or our family mission at this time

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What's for lunch today? Pizza Hut. What a cop out I know.


What are you looking forward to today? resting. I am very tired from my weekend. Qiet would be nice as well but I doubt that will happen.


If you were to ask someone to pray for you, what/how would you ask them to pray? Me: hmm, so much on my mind lately. Rather than post here I would just say thank you and ask for them to have God resolve issues and meet the needs I have. He certainly knows what they are.

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I only ate some sweet potato fries at lunchtime. I've been making green smoothies every day for just over a week now and I'm just not hungry for lunch after drinking those (feel a lot better already, too!)....


I've been working in my flower beds and am looking forward to them filling in and flowers coming into full bloom.


Oh, there are many prayers I could ask for. Perhaps one that's most imminent is that my basement not flood as rains continue to inundate our area. We've been lucky thus far and I know others in my area already have basements with water in them (and probably sewer problems, too), so I'm lucky (just worried).... If it weren't a finished and fully furnished basement, it might be different - but what a mess that will be. It really seems so trivial compared to what the tornado victims are enduring that I'd rather just ask for prayers for them....


Or, for me, personally, I'd ask for God to please, please make me a better person. I'd like to have some little portion of grace; that would be wonderful....

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