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DNA dog testing. :)

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I adopted a dog several weeks ago from our local shelter and I was dying to know what he is. I was warned ahead of time that sometimes mutts are so "muttish" that they really cannot tell and you end up with 30 breeds listed but I struck gold!


One of my dog's parents was a Border Collie/German Shepherd. The other parent was was Labrador/Great Dane.


We got this breed profile that cracked us up. And he does look like pieces of all of them. It was so cool looking at his tail and understanding that it's a BC tail. And his weird back-leg guard stance is his GS. Crazy legs are the GD. Lab is the rest of him.


Just so darn cool. I told DH I want this for humans!!! I'd love to know if the rumors of a First Nation great-grandmother are true. :D



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Jen, what place did you use for this and how much did it cost? We've got a mixed up mutt, too. She looks like a miniature husky, but boy does she ever act like a terrier sometimes.



We did ours at the vet's office using blood. It came from a company called Wisdom Panel - Professional Canine Genetic Analysis. It was $149, the results were available online and they mailed this cool 10 page or so profile on the breeds. They were off on Riker's weight quite a bit so far - they said he'd top out at 77 pounds and he's already 98 pounds and skinny as anything. But I really like the profile - they show you profile pics of a collie's tail for example (and now we understand the weird GS tail placement sometimes!!) and that's what Riker has which looks a little odd with his GD legs.


So I'm really glad we did it.


My vet said some companies are using cheek swabs but they are less accurate and you're more likely to get that "indeterminate" breed profile. I don't know why. DNA should be DNA, theoretically.

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American Eskimo and ?


This is her:


It doesn't show well in this picture but she has a bit of a bushy tail. She also has husky-like fur. But she's full grown and only about 25-30 pounds. She looks bigger than she really is because of those very long legs! :tongue_smilie:

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This is her:


It doesn't show well in this picture but she has a bit of a bushy tail. She also has husky-like fur. But she's full grown and only about 25-30 pounds. She looks bigger than she really is because of those very long legs! :tongue_smilie:


She's sooo cute!! Mini huskies are quite rare. She sure looks husky & something though. Something very smooth coated from the looks of her.


Oh, and my husky is majorly fluffy (not like that's a good thing...). She sheds like you would NOT believe. Her coat is so thick it doesn't lay down flat. It stands on end like a nice dense plush carpet. I really wish she had a coat like your dog. I could bathe her decently myself.


I'm going to see if I can find a pic...




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Paula, you need to test her!! What are those legs?? :D Does she like to jump?? Riker jumps like a pogo stick.




I want to know what she is!


How is her personality? Is she a runner? Independent? More like a cat than a dog ("I'll do what you ask if/when it suits me.")?


My husky is all of the above, with occasional bouts of normal dog-like behavior. Occasional. Training her is a challenge...

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So in the world of designer mutts you have a Border Shepard LabraDane. I think the DNA testing for dogs is great. We did one on our rescue. We were way off on what his mix was when we were guessing. He is what we fondly call a WeimStaff. One parent is a Weimeraner and the other is an American Staffordshire Terrier.

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Paula, you need to test her!! What are those legs?? :D Does she like to jump?? Riker jumps like a pogo stick.


She loves to jump like that! Her leaps are amazing, too.




I want to know what she is!


How is her personality? Is she a runner? Independent? More like a cat than a dog ("I'll do what you ask if/when it suits me.")?


My husky is all of the above, with occasional bouts of normal dog-like behavior. Occasional. Training her is a challenge...


You just described her exactly. She's all of those things, but also jumps around a lot like I've seen some terriers do and has this crazy mixed personality. She's such a contradiction sometimes. We love her very much.

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Just so darn cool. I told DH I want this for humans!!! I'd love to know if the rumors of a First Nation great-grandmother are true. :D




We did this on ourselves in our molecular genetics class in college. Everyone got the results they expected except me.


Scottish? Check!


English? Check!


Irish? Check!


German? Check!




Guess those family rumors about piracy were true. :001_huh:

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Just so darn cool. I told DH I want this for humans!!! I'd love to know if the rumors of a First Nation great-grandmother are true. :D




You can have this done with a simple mouth swab. My father did it last year and got a whole profile on our ancestry.


Google: National Geographic genographic project

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