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What are you doing with your DC for 1st grade next year?

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Math: MM 1 and Miquon

Bible: Teaching Hearts, Training Minds

History: American history w/misc resources

Science: Anatomy then Chemistry

Handwriting: Italics books A & B

Grammar: ??

Phonics/Reading: Blend phonics --> Websters

Latin: Song School Latin??

Spelling: part of phonics

Art/music: American artist and composer study w/library books

Classical Conversations, Cub scouts, piano?, soccer?

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Here's ours -- my 3rd time to teach 1st grade!


Bible: Read The Beginner's Bible with help from me and then draw a picture & write title in an artist's sketchbook. Also participate in family Bible time.

Phonics: Funnix 2

English: FLL, WWE

Spelling: AAS (I still need to get into this and really see how it works.)

Math: CLE

History, Geography & Science: FIAR, CC, & go-along readings (American history, U.S. states & capitals, My Body -- trace her on paper & add organ cut outs as we go, etc.)

Extras: start piano lessons and co-op -- fun unit studies class, choir, & PE

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My plans are finally coming together. I will have a young 1st grader (turning 6 in late October). This time last year I wasn't sure whether to start her in K or not, but she has thrived this year and is obviously appropriately stimulated without being overwhelmed. So we're going on to first grade . . .


Bible: Children's Illustrated Bible by DK

Math: Probably Right Start B with some supplementation by Math Mammoth

Phonics: McRuffy 1st grade (but I will skip the heavy spelling emphasis)

Phonics readers: McRuffy has their own readers, plus I purchased most of the emerging readers from Sonlight and HoD; I expect she'll be at that level towards the end of the year

Handwriting: Zaner Bloser 1st

Spelling: Complete AAS Level 1 (we're 1/3rd through now) and begin AAS Level 2

English: WWE1 and FLL1

Read Alouds: I just bought way too many books at Amazon, combining various Sonlight and Memoria Press literature selections

History: Some basic American history using various resources such as History for Little Pilgrims, plus a few simple read alouds on famous Americans

Science: probably Nancy Larsen Science K. I'll do a grade level down so little brother can tag along; we'll keep this one simple

Art: the Core Knowledge materials

Music: the Core Knowledge materials

Geography: Beginning Geograpy K-2 by Evan Moor

Poetry: exposure - we have multiple children's poetry books to choose from


This sounds like a ton, by my plan is to do both history and science just two days a week. Then the enrichment subjects (art, music, geography, and poetry) will be done just once a week each, just trying to provide a little exposure.

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This is my second time too....


We are completing Saxon 1 in a couple of months, and also TOPGTR.


Math: Saxon Level 2

Spelling: Spelling Workout A

History: SOTW -and as many activities and projects as possible

Reading: (using SOTW as a guide)

Science: God's Design for Animals, Plants, Human Body

Grammar: FLL

Writing: Copywork


I used the exact same curriculum with my older DS (currently in 5th) and I loved everything enough to continue with it for my younger DS.

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Bible: CLE 1

Math: CLE 1

Phonics: CLE - Learning to Read, Explode the Code

History: Stories of the pilgrims, American Pioneers and Patriots, History Pockets and various read alouds

Science: living books, plus Magic School Bus science videos and activity kits

Penmanship: HWT 1st grade level (Or possibly Zaner Bloser?)

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Guest RecumbentHeart
SWR??? Is that Sing, Write, Read?? I am considering that for ds also. If its something else then consider me :blush: :001_smile:



It's usually the acronym for Spell to Write and Read. There are so many things out there that it's getting tricky to keep the acronyms straight so whichever of us is wrong, lets not feel bad. :D

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Guest RecumbentHeart

My first grade plans for DS are (starting in the winter, not the fall):


Professor B Math (continuing), perhaps Math Mammoth supplements (since I have it, it's always a possibility)

Hooked On Phonics and Webster's Speller (continuing)

First Language Lessons 1/2 (continuing)

Living Books Curriculum Year 1 for everything else.

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Here's ours. We'll start in July.


Bible: The Child's Story Bible, First Catechism and Big Truths for Little Kids.

Math: Right Start B

Literature: Selections from VP, Sonlight and my personal favorites. :)


Penmanship: HWT and copywork

RA: Mr. Popper's Penguins, Misty of Chincoteague, Pooh and many others...


History: SOTW 1 with VP cards and songs.

Science: RSO Life

Geography: Evan Moor Beginning Geography


Music: Choir (I wish we could afford piano lessons!), composer study

Art: Drawing with Children (with DH!), picture study

PE: ballet and maybe soccer or swimming.


Extras: God's World News, Mindbenders, Click, co-op unit study on China.


Considering: IEW's Poetry Memorization, Spanish (taught by a friend)

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We start first grade in July. Our plans:


Math: McRuffy Color Math 1 with Miquon supplements

L/A: finish PR1 and move on to PR2

*Queen's Copywork for Little Girls

Science: McRuffy Science 1 with Core Knowledge Sequence supplements

History: TQ Amer. Hist. For Young Students with notebooking/lapbook supplements

*Queen's A Living History Of Our World: America's Story 1 as spine

Geography: Road Trip USA

Religion: CCD


Also add in Daisy's, dance, and swimming lessons.

Edited by drexel
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Here is what I am planning for DD2:


BIBLE: Reading from Egermeier's Bible Story Book, memory verses from My ABC Bible Verses, learning 1 hymn each month from Hymns for a Kid's Heart


LITERATURE: Reading aloud from my list of classic age-appropriate literature and from the book Favorite Poems Old and New: Selected For Boys and Girls


PHONICS: Phonics Pathways, Explode the Code series


PENMANSHIP: CLP Writing with Prayer and Queen Homeschool Cursive Primer


MATH: mix of Singapore 1A/1B (our spine) along with a little Miquon, MEP, Right Start's Abacus Activities, Right Start Math Card Games, and Tokyo Shoseki's Mathematics for Elementary School with Kyoiku Dojinsha's Mathematics Workbook (Japanese Math).


LOGIC: Lollipop Logic, Highlights Hidden Pictures


HISTORY: Mystery of History Vol. 1 (Ancients) and age-appropriate read-aloud fiction and non-fiction


GEOGRAPHY: U.S. Geography: Road Trip USA


SCIENCE: Apologia Zoology 3 and and age-appropriate read-aloud fiction and non-fiction; Handbook of Nature Study and The Outdoor Hour Nature Challenge


FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Elementary Spanish (Discovery Streaming)


FINE ARTS: Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book 1, Piano, Ballet


PHYSICAL: Horseback Riding


Only subjects that are done everyday are Bible, Literature reading, Phonics, and Math. The others are done in a relaxed and fun way. :001_smile:

Edited by cbmrj777
Forgot to add in Art! :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Not 100% sure yet, I have a few options though


Bible- Awana and plan to buy some character things from Doorposts

Math- CLE or R&S

Social Studies- CLE

Reading/Phonics- Bob books, 100EZ/OPGTR

Spelling- Zane Blosser

handwriting - A reason for handwriting/Scripture copy work

Science- piggy backing on older sisters things and interest led library books

Art- how great thou Art

Music- making it up as I go along


That is all I have planned in my head, but I do have some other options on hand if those things do work out the way we plan.

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We are about to kick off ours this summer, most of it I have narrowed down.


Math- Math Mammoth 1A/B Though I have a feeling I will have to weed eat some that bores him. We are about to wrap up Lifepac and he is already bored silly and past simple addition.


Science- REAL Science Earth and Space, adding in Magic School Bus, Lets Read and Find Out Science and Discovery Education Streaming (all with brother)


History- SOTW 1 (with brother)


Geo- Expedition Earth (with brother)


Spelling - I keep dancing around on this one. I look at AAS but not really sold on it yet. He is pretty good with spelling already and loves workbooks. Ideas?


LA and Grammar - ETC (he likes these) and I prob add in CLE LightUnit 1


Reading - books of choice, he reads really well


Handwriting - leaning towards the 'A Reason for Series' & tossing in Draw Write now as a bonus.


Music - We just bought a Piano so now I have to get myself in gear to learn it.


Lots of fieldtrips and tossed in events as it helps keep us motivated.

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I'm a little late to the party, but here's my plan for my 1st grader next year.


Language Arts

PAL reading

Pal Writing





Singapore 1A/1B



Tag along with brother and sister but not much since we're going to be hitting modern times.



Singapore Earlybird start up Science



Meet the Masters

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The plan for DS 6:



Faith and Life: Our Heavenly Father


Saints stories



Story of the World Vol. 2


Living books and experiments

Nature study


Language Lessons for the Very Young 1

Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading




Singapore 1A and1B



Appreciation and Biographies


Drawing, painting, etc.

Appreciation (focus on medieval and renaissance)

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DD will be starting 1st next year. We will be doing:


Phonics: Finish OPGTR

Grammar: FLL1/2

Writing: WWE1

Math: Math Mammoth 1

Literature: Lang's Blue and Red books


With older brother she will do:

Science: Chemistry--Adventures with Atoms and Molecules and GEMS Secret Formulas

History: US History--literature based with History Pockets (I used Guest Hollow's free curriculum and tweaked it beyond recognition. :D)

Geography: Beautiful Feet's Holling C Holling geography

Bible: Vos Story Bible

Art: Evan Moor's How to Teach Art to Children

Nature Study (freeform)

Artist Study (John Singleton Copley, John James Auduban, Winslow Homer)

Composer Study (Tchaikovsky, Handel)


I am considering starting Prima Latina with her, as she learned alot of it while her brother did it this year--she wanders around singing "amo, amas amat..." so I may strike while the iron is hot...:lol:

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Am I missing anything? It won't be detrimental if we wait a year for history and science, will it?


Does your state require certain subjects? I have to document that we studied some history & science, along with reading, writing, & math.


ETA - just rechecked our standards - it says "social studies", not history

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