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It looks like a blizzard outside

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I flew from Salt Lake City to the east coast last night....It was snowing like crazy when we took off. It was the first time I'd ever been in a plane that needed to be de-iced. Back here, it's 70 degrees and lovely. Glad I'm home.

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That is SO unfair!!! I'm really sorry and I totally understand. We had a rough winter here. It snowed just last week.


I remember my prom night - May 5 in MI - it SNOWED!!!!!



When people talk about May being spring up north, I go to my migraine memories, and the many days it has snowed in May. I also have quite a few stories about Fenway Park seats needing to be shoveled for Opening Day (which, OK, is April).


It's sad sad sad.

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When people talk about May being spring up north, I go to my migraine memories, and the many days it has snowed in May. I also have quite a few stories about Fenway Park seats needing to be shoveled for Opening Day (which, OK, is April).


It's sad sad sad.


Oh yes!!! We just know we can't plant any flowers around here until at least JUne because there's always the threat of frost.


My kids actually had baseball practice WITH snow on the ground. It really is SAD!!!

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Oh yes!!! We just know we can't plant any flowers around here until at least JUne because there's always the threat of frost.


My kids actually had baseball practice WITH snow on the ground. It really is SAD!!!



What about photos of your children in *snow pants* hunting for Easter eggs. Those make me weep!

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Oh yes!!! We just know we can't plant any flowers around here until at least JUne because there's always the threat of frost.


My kids actually had baseball practice WITH snow on the ground. It really is SAD!!!




Frost killed my tomatoes one year on May 31. :glare:


I believe we have had a record year for rain here in Mi. also. We have also had our share of snow this month (just not today).


I'm freezing. I'm tired of freezing. Enough already!

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Can you send it here? It was 95 here today. We skipped over spring and went straight to summer. I'm already ready for fall and winter to come again. :D


So they have the show trading spouses, how about we make a new show called Trading Houses? (but we take our spouses and kids with us :lol:)You can vacation in the BEAUTIFUL Black Hills (Wyoming side) and I can vacation is WARM Texas until my bones warm up :D


This belongs in the depressing thread. I would not be a happy camper if I were wherever you are.


:iagree: :crying:


Do. Not. Tell. Me. This. Noooooooooooooooo!:auto:



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Frost killed my tomatoes one year on May 31. :glare:


I believe we have had a record year for rain here in Mi. also. We have also had our share of snow this month (just not today).


I'm freezing. I'm tired of freezing. Enough already!



We are from Michigan and our whole family is there. My sister in law has a pond with a beach. She posted a pic today on facebook and the water is up to the retaining wall that is normally 4 feet higher than the level of the water. The beach is completely submerged :001_huh:

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