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Just whining, venting, murmuring

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It was a gorgeous day here. Beautiful temps, blue skies with the most perfect cumulus clouds you've ever seen.


I did tidy up the lawn a little after the storm, but other than that, I tried (unsuccessfully) to explain myself on the boards.


I rushed out this morning for blood work for my thyroid to test for Hashimoto (I think that's what it's called).


I had a hard moment with Ben during math and wasn't exactly patient. He just needs me next to him through everything! He managed to do his math on his own, but when it came to corrections, he melted down. I told him to read the problem aloud to understand, and he just sat there. It seems he always just sits there in disbelief that I'm telling him to do something. If he would read the problem, I know he would understand. He is so stubborn. Even piano, he wants me to sit with him. He has a hard time staying on task.


Nathan's Asperger traits drove me batty today. Will he ever learn how to speak at a normal volume? I cannot stop him -- he's like a freight train when it comes to speaking. If I tell him to stop, he keeps on going like there are no breaks. It's exhausting!


My stupid foot goes numb during every treadmill routine. I am sick of feeling limited. I am tired of not knowing what is wrong.


I am waiting for this stupid cancer spot on my back (the wound opened up a little so it's tender) to finish healing so I can do other workouts.


I am sick of nothing fitting. I am mad that I had a stupid birthday cake to finish off today. I should have just thrown the thing away.


And then there are quarterly reports to do tomorrow, and piano recital, and dentist appts on Monday, and then we go on vacation which means I will spend the week trying to find something to fit and packing.


And right now, I feel like crying which is ridiculous, because really, life isn't that bad!

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:grouphug: Aw, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time! And even though you're right that lots of people have it far worse, that doesn't mean it isn't absolutely terrible. Allow yourself to be upset and frustrated. It'll pass much quicker than if you try to supress it.

Hang in there!

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My stupid foot goes numb during every treadmill routine. I am sick of feeling limited. I am tired of not knowing what is wrong.





What do you think if causing the numb foot? My foot becomes numb while running. I had it checked out many years ago and was told I have compartment syndrome. The fascia that surrounds my calf muscle is too tight. Once the muscle becomes engorged with blood, it constricts blood flow to my foot as well as nerve impulses. I could have surgery to fix it but never have. I find if I stay under a certain speed, my foot does ok but I have to occasionally stop to let blood flow into my foot.

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