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Trying to remember a book from childhood - tucking in at night???


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I'm trying to find a book that my mom read to me when I was a little girl. I really don't remember anything from the book, but I do remember that when my mom would tuck me in at night, she would pull the cover up to my chin and then quickly throw the covers all the way over my head. She would say something from the book and I would giggle and giggle. She would then pull the cover back down to my chin and then tuck me in tight. It seems like the story was about a mama cat and her kittens, but I could be totally wrong about that. I had to be 5 or 6 when we read it. Mom's gone now, and I really want to read this story to my kids. I think about it a lot at night when I tuck them in. Does anyone have a clue as to the book/story??? She was a big fan of buying the books you use to get at the grocery story ... you remember how they use to have a new one every few weeks? Anyway, if that rings a bell with anyone please let me know.





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OK....how about "The Four Little Kittens"? It is a Little Golden Book (often found in the grocery store 'way back when...


Here's the plot from Amazon:

The story is a mother cat telling her kittens of the different types of cats they can be when they grow up. She describes the lives of these different "cat occupations." Tuff chooses to be an ally cat, which is a rather hard life. Luff chooses the life of a ship's cat, full of adventure. Ruff likes the idea of being a farm cat and being helpful and useful. Muff, well, Muff simply cannot decide.

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I took forever to track down this funny book from my childhood about a mama cat and her kittens. At least it'd be fun reading, even if it's not the right one.


The Cat Who Wore a Pot on Her Head

(original title: Bendemolena)

by Jan Slepian and Ann Seidler


The daughter cat puts a pot on her head and then hears everything wrong. Hilarity ensues.

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Perhaps Three Little Kittens, I seem to remember that one of the older versions continued the story past the pie and ended with her tucking her little kittens into bed after supper, but I can't recall which version it was. There was a Rand Mcnally Elf Book version and a Golden Book version, but I don't have either - perhaps someone else on the board does and would be willing to check.


I'm also afraid that I'm confusing the Three Kittens story for another similar tale - but the kittens and the bed just sound so familiar :(


I suppose that it might also be The Tale of Tom Kitten as they are sent up to bed with the "measles", but I doubt it.

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I took forever to track down this funny book from my childhood about a mama cat and her kittens. At least it'd be fun reading, even if it's not the right one.


The Cat Who Wore a Pot on Her Head

(original title: Bendemolena)

by Jan Slepian and Ann Seidler


The daughter cat puts a pot on her head and then hears everything wrong. Hilarity ensues.


I don't know the OP's book, but gosh I love Jan Slepian and Ann Seidler! Do you know The Hungry Thing too?

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You guys are awesome. I'm going to check into the Golden books, b/c I know we had those. I was 5 in 1975, but my sister was 5 in 1955 (could have been her book) .... so there's a very broad time range.


thanks so much for taking your time with my wild "cat" chase.

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