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Two part question about pregnancy and travel.

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Ok, first, our hs group is going to an amusment park that has lots of rides and a lot of walking for the end of the year trip. It will be 10 days before I'm due and the car ride is about 3.5 hrs one way. I have friends that have volunteered to take the kids with them, but I would prefer to share the day *with* my kids. They've never been to this place and I know it's going to be a blast. Obviously I wouldn't be riding the rides. Not that I would when I wasn't pregnant b/c rides make me sick.


The next one is a wedding that's 2.5 hrs away one way. It's my dh's step dd from his ex. Three of our family will be in the wedding. Dh is giving her away, dd is flower girl and step ds is an usher. The wedding is two days before my due date and in the town that we moved from last year. Also, if *I* don't go b/c of possibly going into labor, that would mean that if I *did* go into labor during that time, it would be without my dh. Hmmm...


With all my other children I've gone over-due, so I'm not expecting to go into labor anytime soon, although it *could* happen. Right now I'm 35w5d pregnant, so the above two events will be in the next month.


What would you DO? It's so hard, especially the wedding b/c I absolutely love the couple getting married. They are awesome kids!


Thanks for any advice:001_smile:.

Edited by mama2cntrykids
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What would you DO? It's so hard, especially the wedding b/c I absolutely love the couple getting married. They are awesome kids!


Thanks for any advice:001_smile:.



Well for ME it would be a non-issue. At 35w5d, I'd be 3-4 days away from giving birth. :glare:


For YOU - wow, that's close. I'd give tentative positives if it's something you REALLY want to do and let them know this is VERY subject to change and that it will really depend on how you're feeling the day before....


The truth? The amusement park DRIVE isn't so bad, it's the hours and hours of walking through the park. As for the wedding, the sitting wouldn't be so bad, but wow... two days before your due date? :001_huh: I can really see how you'd want to make it to both though.


We REALLY want to go to the OCEAN conference on June 24th. It's the day I turn 36 weeks. I haven't made it past 36w4d in the last three pregnancies, and each has gotten shorter. My perinatologist says he doesn't think we'll make it to 35 this time. My DD was thoughtful enough to point out there are plenty of hospitals around, so I guess that's an option for you too - stop on the way, have a baby, lol. :lol:


But, you know, I don't think anyone would fault you for saying you really couldn't make it to an event you'd have to travel to just two days before your due date if you had to travel!

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Personally, I'd never be that far away from home that close to my due date, whether it be for the amusement park or the wedding. As for the park, there is NO way that I could walk around that much when I'm that far along. I always feel like the baby's head is RIGHT there and about to fall out. I'm very uncomfortable around that time.

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Well, I'm only 25 weeks along and I couldn't handle that park trip now! So for me, it sounds like torture. But obviously you feel differently if you're considering it. :)

I guess the question is, how would you feel about going into labour at one of these events and either having to leave and try to make it home in the car, or give birth at a hospital nearby? If you don't care about where you birth, then I would say do whatever feels right the day of. But if those things matter to you, I'd say skip it.

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I probably wouldn't do either one. I've never given birth before my due date, but I am always on pins and needles worrying that I will go into labor for about a month before my due date. I'd be uncomfortable with the idea of driving so far from home. And walking around at an amusement park all day? I think that would send me into labor. At the very least, I'd be having so many B-H contractions that I'd be really uncomfortable (and grumpy). Personally, I'd just go to the amusement park as a family after you have the baby and have had a few weeks to let your body recover. I have so much more energy when I'm not pregnant. Pushing a newborn around in a stroller is much easier (for me) than lugging a big, pregnant belly everywhere.


The wedding...I don't know. I'd probably be nervous about going into labor, but it's a tough decision. You can't go to the wedding again later...

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Ultimately it's up to you to decide what you're up for and what you aren't, both physically and emotionally - both things can be tons of fun, but draining, even when not pregnant.


There are a couple of things to keep in mind - one is the travel time in the car. Late in pregnancy we're at a higher risk for blood clots - so a full 2.5-3.5 hours straight in the car is not a good idea. If you decide to go to either, you may want to consider stopping to get out and walk around every 45-minutes for at least 5-10 minutes to get blood circulating well in your legs.


The second thing is do you have a plan if you did go into labor? Getting back home may be impossible given the time-distance you will be from your current doc/MW and hospital/birth-center. If you decide to go, you should know the location of your nearest hospital/birth-center from where you will be, ask OB/MW if they know anyone in that area and if not, know who is available in that area, and be prepared that you could go into labor in a place you don't live.....which could wind up meaning, if you did go into labor, that you and family are now having to stay wherever you are for a few days - with your children - you may want to have some sort of a plan in place that if you did go into labor, you know what will happen with your children while you're in the hospital/birth-center that's not where you live.


Congratulations on your soon-to-arrive baby!

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Depending on how long your labors take you, I'd probably go if it was me. Of course, I chose a hospital an hour and change away from my house for my most recent baby. And I went on a 7 hour each way drive to pick up baby things about two weeks before I was due with my first baby.


I'd probably be more worried about stealing the show from the wedding couple than anything else. I'd drink a ton of water at the park and find a few good spots to sit at while everyone did the rides and attractions in that part of the park.


If you're feeling up for it, I'd say go for it!

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Will your insurance allow you to travel? With dd2, our health coverage did not permit me to travel more than 90 minutes from the chosen hospital after a certain point in the pregnancy. :glare:


I'm a rule follower, so I missed the birth of my best friend's baby, 3 1/2 hours a way. :sad:


Missing the wedding would be especially tough. :grouphug:

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I'm thinking, at this point, that I will do both. For the amusement park, a friend would drive and I'd be able to rest plenty. I like the idea of going later as a family, but the tickets are going to be deeply discounted for our group. Other wise, it's $39.99/person.


For the wedding, if I went into labor there, no biggie. I've given birth twice in the hossy that's in that town and my most favorite Dr. is there to boot. Plus, I just got done going on a 6 hr. car ride to our state hs convention with no problems. And as many of you know, walking around those babies can be KILLER lol.


So, I guess I will play it by ear and see how I'm feeling. Go with my gut type thing. Thanks everyone!

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I'm guessing you'd be more comfortable in a wheelchair. Maybe they have motorized ones in the park. ;-)


When I'm in that last phase I just want to curl up on the couch. A quiet day at home without the already-born kids would be heavenly. :-)

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Personally, I wouldn't do it. :001_smile: I am currently 34 weeks along and home with my youngest while my husband and 2 older kids are at a mountain bike race. It is killing me to not be there, but even at this point, I can't handle the 3 hour car ride, the hotel stay, or walking around the venue. Once I am 38 weeks, I tend to go into labor at any time, so I'd definitely stay home. But you know what you can handle, so do what feels best for you!!

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Wouldn't do either -- no way, no how. But I go early and have very fast labors!


Even if you go late, I'd skip the amusement park. You are going to be exhausted and sore after that (or at least, I would be, at 38.5 weeks gestation!). I like to go into labor/newborn stage as rested as possible!


I think it's really sweet that you want to be w/ your kids, though. I'd be with the poster who said they'd relish the alone time to rest!!!

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