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CPAP users, Did you buy or rent your machine?

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They are very expensive - the price just for the rental was around $1500. Fortunately we have insurance and they covered most of it, but we still paid several hundred. I don't even want to know what the cost of purchasing would have been. It probably depends on the kind of machine though, the new ones are pretty high-tech and have lots of functions.

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Apparently sometimes insurance will buy or rent them as with nebulizers. When we got a nebulizer for ds, at first the insurance wanted to rent it but I insisted that they buy it for us. So we paid co-insurance and the insurance paid for part. I think it would be better to buy as long as they are pretty reliable as our nebulizer is which has lasted 10 years.

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I am inclined to buy CPAP machine if feasible:)


Are these machines expensive and are they reliable?


Any recommendations as to which machines by brand?


We have one. Dh paid for it out of pocket, and insurance is suppose to pay him back IF he sends in the proper paperwork. :glare: But dh hasn't been able to do this. And soon it will be over a year since he got it, at which time I don't think they will ever pay us back for it.


Oh, and he never got use to it and therefore doesn't use it.

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I was DX hmmm..16 years ago. My first machine was still going strong a year ago, but the technology had changed enough that I bought a new machine. That was a good decision as the newer machine solved one of my issues that I didn't even know I was having.

My insurance has changed over 15 years, but usually after the deductible is met for the year they pay some or all of it.


I have read that some insurances want you to rent for a few months before they will pay for it, but then the cost of the rent should come off the total price at the end. That would be the only way I would ever agree to rent one.


CPAP.com sells machines much much cheaper than your local Medical supply office will.


I have also heard that some folks find them on Craigslist as PP mentioned sometimes folks get them and then never use them.


So if you know what you want to buy that can be a great way to buy one.


CPAPtalk.com is a great forum for getting advice on machines and everything CPAP for that matter.

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