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Teachers Bistro 4-26-2011

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The Bistro is Open!


What's for lunch today? Me: might be leftovers from Islands last night . . . or not. :D



What's up your craw today? Me: my husband's repeated request for me to get a job and his repeated statement, when I bring up the subject of needing to buy next year's curricula, of, "What if we're not homeschooling next year?" Obviously, he didn't get the memo that I'm NOT changing method of education! :glare:


More GROUP HUGS today: :grouphug:


What are you thankful for today? Me: I'll get back to on that! :tongue_smilie:

Oh, wait, I can think of ONE thing right now: a precious Savior Who loves me (and YOU!) so much, He took on the sin of the world, including my own, so that I may spend eternity with Him! 'Nuff said.



Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch - It's supposed to be a salad with protein. I really want to go and get a greasy burger and fries.


Up my craw - I'm protecting my craw. I don't like things up it. I already have enough going on down in my chest. (Do I even have a craw?)




1. I'm thankful that our beautiful new cedar deck will be finished today! (I'm also thankful that after today I won't have to get up early and shower to be ready for workers. . . )


2. I'm thankful that it isn't raining today.


3. I'm thankful that my husband loves me and shows it in practical ways.


4. I'm thankful that my kids are getting Woodshop 101 from the contractors and that they are out of my hair.

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ooohhh a deck....I want a deck. Congrats to you!!!


Lunch was pizza, brought over by a sweet friend and a coke :D


Up my craw? -- looking at your account online and seeing you actually have the money to pay it off :hurray: , then you call and find out it is quiet a bit more :glare: fees blah blah :angry:


Thankful for

1. my wonderful children.

2. a friend that knew I wasn't feeling well and brought me and my kiddos lunch

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Wow - I leave for a few weeks and I come back to a newly decorated Bistro! :lol:


Lunch: My kids ate the lunch I packed them as I worked until noon. Me? Hmmmm.... I think I forgot.


Craw: I want to move, and can't.


Thankful: Since I'm not moving yet, I can procrastinate about halving my kitchen.

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What's for lunch today? nothign yet. We had Chick FilA for breakfast because our power was out. I ate some chocolate a while ago.


What's up your craw today?I don't know. I am so tired it is hard to think. Dh and I have been arguing about budgets and finances for a long time now. ThaT never gets easier.


I am so very upset that my dd's speech therapist is leaving for a new job. She has been wonderful and brought dd so very far that I just don't want to lose her. When she told me today I almost started crying.


More GROUP HUGS today: :grouphug:


What are you thankful for today? 1. That we did not have storm damage last night.

2. That my parents didn't have any storm damage last night even though they were on the edge of the worst part of the storm.

3. That all of my family is safe in NE Arkansas and SE missouri. It looks like my grandmother won't be in harm's way of the levee that has broken even though she lives a short distance from it.

4. That I have power and phone again.

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Oh man. Lunch. I knw I forgot something. Ask me tomorrow. I did make a really yummy new batch of granola this morning and I apparently ate enough to make me forget to get my lunch.


Today, my youngest is sick, still and dh is home. Why is it that his idea of watching a sick kid is to put a movie on and then do nothing else?


I am thankful toady, because I totally explained canceling fractions to my dd. :) She was confused when she started her practice set, so I explained it and she understood! THis is most excellent because we both think it is the first time that has happened. I also did an awesome training session for wrok today, it was recorded and I only "um"ed in the first few minutes. After that, I went on for an hour, non-stop without stumbling even once. I think the fractions was the better accomplishment.

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Lunch: Pot pie. Mmmmm.


Stuck in my craw: Stoopid dog and 7yo got into a scuffle again today. I think the dog has got to go... not the dog's fault, but I'm not getting rid of the kid. :)


Thankful for: My 7yo is okay after his run-in with the dog. It could have been bad, but it wasn't. I'm also thankful that dh and I seem to finally be together on a 5 year plan for our family and our financial future. Now we just have to get off our butts and do it. :)

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