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Tears & broken eggs

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Mil sent the kids some ceramic eggs w/ plants & potting soil for Easter. Dh brought them in last night after they were in bed & took them to our room so they wouldn't get into them.


But then--randomly--he brought them to the dining room first thing this morning, passed them out to the kids & left. (And told 10yo to mow the lawn, while the a/c is out, in the middle of a school morning, despite my objections.) Why? He wanted to be here when they got them. Well...of course! But...why not wait till this eve so you can help them? Why not ask me first? Or warn me at least?


So for the last hour I've been listening to whining & crying about opening eggs while I try to deal w/ email, morning chores, & b'fast. Finally, 3yo started peeling the wrapping off & broke hers. Now there's glass everywhere & a wailing little one. She's heartbroken, & I'm livid.


So...is this really my fault for not putting the eggs away (as soon as they were passed out) or not supervising right then?


The kids were already behaving terribly, & this just adds to the din. Luckily, it's not hot yet (w/ the doors open, so I just have to watch for littles sneaking out the front).


Thanks for letting me type this out. Now I'm *sure* I'm right. :lol: But it's ok--10yo offered to share his egg, & 2yo offered to give his egg, & 3yo is happy w/ the idea of looking at Easter clearance to see if there are some more eggs. Because, "I LOVE plastic eggs." :lol:

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Has your MIL forgotten what little ones are like??? Great present for the 8 & 10 year old (if they like garden stuff) - but kinda ridiculous for the 2 & 3 year old. ;)


They like garden stuff, too. If they'd been *given* the eggs instead of just--hey, look at this, bye!--they'd have been fine (usually).


And fwiw, there was no candy this weekend.

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Who gives breakable eggs to small children? :confused:


Maybe at this point you could just sit and watch. Let this be a day of how not to homeschool, could be your next article.


Maybe you should go mow the yard and take a long bath afterward. :glare::grouphug:

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In my house a broken egg would have been the consequence for not waiting. It was super sweet of the other children to offer their eggs (something that does not surprise me -- knowing your children.)


Nope, I don't believe in passing something out to kids & then telling them, "Don't touch!" (Which dh didn't do--he just left. And when he found out 3yo broke hers, he said, "Well what were YOU doing?") :glare:


It's worked out now--dh & I were more upset at ea other than 3yo was about anything, lol. Apparently, I'm having a hard time seeing something make my kids cry, & when dh finally apologized (which was hard, since I called him first thing & chewed him out badly!), I burst into tears & then realized I was being kinda nutty.

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