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Teachers Bistro April 25, 2011

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Welcome to Monday. The Bistro is open.


Today's special: A thick, juicy slice of CAN'T with a glaze of "It's too hard."

Might be accompanied by a side of The Board of Education.



What's for lunch today? Me: Can I escape to the movie theatre and just pig out on popcorn? :lurk5:


Who needs a hug and some adult conversation? ME! :grouphug:


What are you thankful for today? Me: that I have the opportunity to homeschool despite days like these!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch? More ham with a salad. The kids had spaghetti.


Adult conversation and hugs? Always. It is yet another wet, dreary day here and the girls are whining because they have to clean the bathroom.


Thankful? For my kids (whining or not) and the fact that I still have a job at least until July.

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What's for lunch today? Have not decided yet. Fixed a late breakfast of eggs, sausage, and turkey bacon for the kids. I was up in pain and sickness all night so I am not very hungry.


Who needs a hug and some adult conversation? ME! :grouphug: :iagree:


What are you thankful for today? That all of the tornado forming storms have passed us so far. That the rain has finally stopped. That all of our animals are safe. That bowling league only has 2 more Saturdays. That I didn't die in agony as I thought I was at some point last night. That a combination of baking soda, water, phenegren, and tylenol saved me from a trip to the hospital.

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Well, my kids eked out one more holiday today. I had to take dd14 to the Dr. There were some issues that were keeping me up nights, but doctor is certain they are totally fine. That is enough relief for me to be totally accepting of taking off one more day.


I am looking forward to summer so I can do some cleanup/get ride of/paint/work around here.

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Lunch today is my same-old salad - mixed greens, hummus, tomatoes, cucumber and whatever else I can find. No clue what the kids are having, but they'll find something because I'm hiding from them.


I am thankful for my sister. She just sent me my reservation confirmation for our first ever summer beach trip together! We're taking the kids, but WE"RE GOING to the BEACH. We're FL natives who had to move away for work so we have salt in our blood and need a fix.


I've one sick little one who is watching movies with hubby in his office. The older one finished her work. She should never do her Fred Bridges on Mondays, the poor child can't mulitply on Mondays.



Which, of course, makes me thankful for my brother who turned a corner of my basement into an office for me while he was here for Christmas.


Yes, I'm impossibly happy for a Monday. Sorry, I'll go back to my office for my happy dance.

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Thanks for unlocking this room! :hurray:


I am thankful that for the first time in 14 months, I have kitchen countertops -- not the plywood carp the contractor puts in till one decides what they want, BUT actually what I WANT!


I am thankful it is not raining and the kids are out in the yard playing -- they did math this morning, and then I had to run out with dh to select a kitchen faucet and a new washer/dryer.


I am thankful that it is really really looking like the house is going on the market on Friday of this week: :party:


I am seriously praying (and have asked everyone I know) to please pray that it sells in a matter of days.


I am so thankful that already I am feeling improvement from the antibiotic I began taking for Lyme Disease.


I am so thankful that it doesn't bother me in the least that we will probably spend most of the summer making up school work we didn't do now.



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I want to get in on the hug!


Lunch - salad with protein.


Adult conversation - sure! Hugs - doubly sure!


I had just been convicted that I'm complaining way too much internally and externally and it has to stop! Thankfulness is the best antidote.


1. I'm thankful that our new deck is taking shape and that I will never have to fall through another one.


2. I'm thankful that . . . boy, this is hard!!! I'm thankful that I did not step in dog poop today while picking up after the dogs.


My goal is to list at least 10 things I'm thankful for by the end of the day.

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I want to get in on the hug!


Lunch - salad with protein.


Adult conversation - sure! Hugs - doubly sure!


I had just been convicted that I'm complaining way too much internally and externally and it has to stop! Thankfulness is the best antidote.


1. I'm thankful that our new deck is taking shape and that I will never have to fall through another one.


2. I'm thankful that . . . boy, this is hard!!! I'm thankful that I did not step in dog poop today while picking up after the dogs.


My goal is to list at least 10 things I'm thankful for by the end of the day.


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Glad to "see" all of you here. It's been a rough day attitudinally . .. . even for me. *sigh* I had one of those "my child should be able to get this" moments, as my stubborn, impatient self refused to acknowledge that my Aspie daughter is not neurotypical. Might as well beat my head against a wall and not expect pain!


A Pepsi run may be in the not-so-distant future. During Lent, I managed to mostly do without it. We'll see how today goes!


I'm thankful FOR ALL OF YOU! :grouphug:

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Dobela, did you ever figure out what is causing so much pain?



GROUP HUG to everyone!

I have not. About 2 years ago I had similar pain and had one dr tell me it was my gall bladder and a different one tell me it was general gastritis. After many very expensive tests Iwas told my gall bladder was fine and draining fine. I had not had the pain again until last night.


The pain followed the line of my diaphram and was very intense. I couldn't get comfortable in any position. Then the vomiting began. And went on and on. As soon as that part started I had dh find the phenegren I was prescribed when I had strep back in January. I also took some tylenol. Later after wondering if it was just really bad indigeston, I mixed some baking soda into water and drank it. Which then really made me sick. Finally I just fell asleep and then later woke up feeling ok. I am tired and not feeling too great today though. Kind of queasy and achy with a headache.


Thanks for the hug! I so need one today.

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