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Have you used amino acid therapy for ADHD?

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What was your experience?


We are about to pursue this route with a naturopath for my 5 year old DD, who is mildly mentally retarded, highly ADHD, and has probable FASD.


The naturopath is not in our area and I'm going to call her Monday to talk to her further about everything (b/c I don't fully understand). We will be doing saliva testing and then come up with a plan based on those results.



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No, but I certainly noticed a change in my dh's ADDish type behaviour from changing his breakfasts in ways which would have upped the variety of amino acids he was consuming. And I noticed the change when he stopped... It took about two months to notice a difference, but what you are talking about is more intense, so perhaps you'll see an effect quicker.


Not at all the same thing, but it makes me think it is definitely worth exploring.



Anyway, :lurk5:




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Not personally, but I have *many* friends who've adopted kids with RAD or FAS/D and ADHD who've seen BIG results with TAAT.


Have you read Purvis and Cross's research on TAAT? There's some really compelling info out there...




Also, have you read "The Connected Child?" It deals with the amino acid therapy, etc.



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Not personally, but I have *many* friends who've adopted kids with RAD or FAS/D and ADHD who've seen BIG results with TAAT.


Have you read Purvis and Cross's research on TAAT? There's some really compelling info out there...




Also, have you read "The Connected Child?" It deals with the amino acid therapy, etc.




Ah, thank you. You don't know how good it is to read this! I *have* The Connected Child (ordered it a few months ago) but have not read it yet. I'll break it open tonight! Thanks

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What was your experience?


We are about to pursue this route with a naturopath for my 5 year old DD, who is mildly mentally retarded, highly ADHD, and has probable FASD.


The naturopath is not in our area and I'm going to call her Monday to talk to her further about everything (b/c I don't fully understand). We will be doing saliva testing and then come up with a plan based on those results.




Just last night I was talking to a friend who has a friend :) who has begun this with at least 2 of her kids. She said the change in their ability to focus was dramatic.

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Make sure you share your experiences with this. I am very curious. Someone recently was sharing on the special needs board about links betwen amino acids and low mucsle tone. If you don't mind, Iwould also love to know who you are using... PM me if you have a chance.

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Make sure you share your experiences with this. I am very curious. Someone recently was sharing on the special needs board about links betwen amino acids and low mucsle tone. If you don't mind, Iwould also love to know who you are using... PM me if you have a chance.


Hey, yeh, I'll send you a FB message after I talk to her tomorrow. She's out of state and my cousin is using her for her daughter (adopted and delayed also). We will be doing saliva testing. Will tell you more later!! :)

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Amino Acid Therapy interests me a lot. I read the book Diet Cure a few years ago and the amino acids she recommends, plus the way you take them - not with food, for example, really does help.


She also wrote The Mood Cure, which I would recommend to anyone with depression and mood issues. Not sure if that book would help with ADHD, etc. But she goes into depth on amino acids.


Here's the author's own site.


I just googled amino acid therapy and ADHD and came up with lots of stuff.

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