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Would you join a small WTM co-op if ...

Erika in TX

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they were on a different cycle than you? I have the opportunity to join a small co-op next year. They meet once a week and do activities together via the activity guide. However, they are on modern and we will begin ancients. This will be our first year using a classical framework and I did think about starting in modern to match the group, but I really want to start at the beginning per SWB's advice from the book.


So, would you join the group anyway?



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I'd join! If the group gets support, it will probably continue and you'll have a bunch of friends to do ancients with next year! No law says you have to start from the beginning this year. You can start from the beginning next year instead. Pretend this co-op has made itself known to you to remind you not to be a perfectionist. I don't know you from a bar of soap, so I don't know if you are a perfectionist or not, but you sound suspiciously like it. :P It would be annoying if you'd done Ancients this year and the co-op was running early modern, because you'd be skipping the bit in the middle, but that's not what happening. Maybe you'd feel better if you got an overview of history up to that point to read over the summer or something?



Edited by Rosie_0801
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I'd join! If the group gets support, it will probably continue and you'll have a bunch of friends to do ancients with next year! No law says you have to start from the beginning this year. You can start from the beginning next year instead. Pretend this co-op has made itself known to you to remind you not to be a perfectionist. I don't know you from a bar of soap, so I don't know if you are a perfectionist or not, but you sound suspiciously like it. :P It would be annoying if you'd done Ancients this year and the co-op was running early modern, because you'd be skipping the bit in the middle, but that's not what happening. Maybe you'd feel better if you got an overview of history up to that point to read over the summer or something?





He he he...wasn't aware that my perfectionism was showing. :D Actually more of a frustrated perfectionist. I get paralyzed and won't do ANYTHING unless I think I can do it perfectly (or pretty close to perfect...) Sigh...


Do you all think that I could do Ancients with my dc during the week (this is their interest right now) and treat the modern study as a supplemental class? Would that be too confusing? I'm not sure of the ages of the other dc...just know it is vast...like 3rd to HS....

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One perfectionist always recognises another :D I'm not a perfectionist about everything, but I have my quirks and definitely suffer from the occasional bout of paralysis.


How much homework is the co-op going to send home? That should tell you whether that or your ancients study should be the supplement. I don't suppose you have time to do a full study of both.


Or you could just have a book basket at home, do some projects and just horse around with it. Whatever you do, I don't think they're going to get confused. You could put a time line up, but I think everyone knows spears came long before tanks!



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If you want to start with ancients, could you just hold off joining the co-op until next year and then do something else for history this year?


:iagree: If you did both modern and ancients next year, would you REALLY want to do ancients the year after too when the co-op is doing it? Two years of ancients isn't bad or anything, but your kids might get tired of it.


Personally, I'd just start with Modern, but I love co-ops and think they are worth some trouble.

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