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SOTW Activity Guides...?


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I am awaiting the arrival of the Activity Guide to get started with SOTW1.

We'll be doing history with three kids and I am wondering whether I will need three Activity Guides???

Unfortunately I can't order the Student Pages, as PeaceHill won't ship to Europe...:sad:

I probably could copy the relevant pages but I was wondering how many there were and if maybe it wasn't a lot less complicated to just go ahead and order the additional AGs...

On the other hand I don't really need three instructions on turning a chicken into a mummy ;).

Any thoughts on this? (...and info on the ratio of consumable vs. non-consumable pages in the AGs...)


...it will take some time for my Amazon order to get here, so I rather not wait until then to order additional AGs if I decide to go that road...


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I would copy the pages from the activity guide you've already ordered rather than order additional copies of the activity guide. This is allowed as long as you are making the copies for your own family. It is a lot of photocopying, but still less expensive than ordering more activity guides. I hope you enjoy SOTW! We're finishing book three, and all of my kids (and I) are thoroughly enjoying the series.

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Just in case you are wondering, the Activity Guide pages that are consumable, the Student Pages, are able to be copied per copywiritng laws (i.e. they give you permission to copy them). You certainly wouldn't need three of the whole books, though. I have had the bindings cut off of my AGs and put them in huge three ring binders, then I put all the student pages in sheet protectors by chapter so I can pull out a chapter at a time and copy what I need.

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You can buy the consumable Student Pages separately, and you would need 3 of those. The student pages have the maps, coloring pages, and worksheet-type stuff. These are all included in the AG as well, but interspersed with the teacher notes. You can pull them out of the AG and make 3 copies, but I'm not sure you would save much money (and your time to pull them out then reinsert them is valuable, too!)


Have fun, we are in the midst of SOTW1 and love it!

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I don't have my activity guide in front of me, but the book has 42 chapters and generally there are 2 consumable pages per chapter--map work and coloring page. I believe that a a couple of chapters may have a few more pages. So, you can figure 85-100 pages of consumables. I tore them out and am copying them as we go for 1 student. (She is 6 so I don't use the original in case we have a scribbling accident.) If I had more than one, I would just tear out and take to a copy center before the year began and make my copies.


I hope this helps



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I have my own cheap copy machine, and I only need one copy anyway, but perhaps a copier would be a good investment for you. If you can do the copies for less than 3 cents each, it might pay for itself. (Thinking of gas to the copy store!)


I would not copy ahead of time if you do copy the sheets instead of getting more student pages. We didn't use everything--only the maps and a few of the coloring pages--if your children turn out not to like the coloring pages, you are out that much. On the other hand, there are several game boards (oops, that's in SOTW 2--can't remember about 1!:D) and other things you might like.

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I'd copy the pages I was actually going to use.


I've found that I didn't need copies of all the student pages. Some pages are family games, for instance, so you'd only need one of those. If your family isn't into games, you wouldn't need those pages at all. Some pages are paper dolls. If your children aren't into paper dolls, you wouldn't need them either. Some are for other projects. Again, if you're skipping the project, you won't need the page. If you have a child who hates coloring, you won't need to coloring pages. You might just need the maps, maybe 50 pages in the whole book. :)


Wait until you get the AG, then look through it and decide. Definitely don't buy a separate book for each child.

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I second the recommendation to copy. We did this for our two kids, and it wasn't much of a hassle at all to make an extra copy of the pages we planned to use. I just did it as we went along, rather than copying it all at once. I have a small copier at home, and it was better for us to copy only once we decided which pages we needed duplicates of. The kids decided to do one map page and take turns coloring, and sometimes they weren't interested in all the coloring sheets. It would have been a waste to make the copies up front.

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I've been copying all along for my 2 and it hasn't been a problem, I've found that we don't use all the student pages. The advantage to copying at home/locally for you would be getting everything onto A4 paper. I'm assuming all your other work is on A4 so it would fit better into the binder. The SOTW pages are 8.5x11 inches so you might get extra room for drawing or narration. We are just the opposite-I just had my parents ship me a bunch of photocopies so that we could get it all on 8.5x11 instead of the local A4 that won't fit in our notebooks.

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