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Pot Shots at WTM

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I would hope kind people wouldn't get so defensive that they feel the need to lecture her. There are obviosuly huge rifts in the Christian community about 'the best' way to educate young children. There seems to be great pressure on folks to do this a certain way, when there is no perfect way. It seems to me that is what the blogger is addressing.


Even if one disagrees, take the high road----and don't read all the zillions of blogs out there. lol


I do not even see the point of linking it. There is not even a mention of WTM . WTM doesn't own classical ed philosophy.

Edited by LibraryLover
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"Because someone studied it and told us that this is the best way – nay, the only way. And it looks good on paper.


Well. So does socialism. "


This is where she lost me. Looking back at the method of education that was used for centuries, seeing that it worked and saying, "this will still work" is not the same thing as saying this idea looks good on paper, which implies it hasn't been tried successfully. Socialism is more than something that looks good on paper. It has been tried. Not very successfully.


Secondly, don't you just love it when the liberty, not legalism viewpoint gets so legalistic about not being legalistic. :glare:


I am curious, (seriously not intending to be snarky, this is an area I have never really looked into) is there much research to support the idea of unschooling being superior?

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Thank you so much for posting this! We've been working on syllogisms and I needed some examples of really bad logic so my dd can practice finding the errors. I should comment on this blog and thank her. I think she'd really appreciate that! :D lol!

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"Because someone studied it and told us that this is the best way – nay, the only way. And it looks good on paper.


Well. So does socialism. "


This is where she lost me. Looking back at the method of education that was used for centuries, seeing that it worked and saying, "this will still work" is not the same thing as saying this idea looks good on paper, which implies it hasn't been tried successfully. Socialism is more than something that looks good on paper. It has been tried. Not very successfully.


Secondly, don't you just love it when the liberty, not legalism viewpoint gets so legalistic about not being legalistic. :glare:


I am curious, (seriously not intending to be snarky, this is an area I have never really looked into) is there much research to support the idea of unschooling being superior?


Well....having research on unschooling would mean having the self-discipline to sit down and focus on research and writing rather than climbing trees. See the dichotomy there? :tongue_smilie:

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Gosh, I have no idea why people get upset when she explains that their children are worse off than her children because hers get to run, climb, play, be silly, rest, get dirty, build, explore, draw, and read.


It's probably because they're socialists.


LOL! The statement "Well, so does socialism" is the most annoying one in this article to me. As if socialism is something we can all agree is a ridiculous extreme.

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Pencil Grip! My dd has hypotonia and holds her pencil like that - with all 5 fingers, except her knuckles bend back. It's excruciating to watch her hold a pencil without a pencil grip. (Sure wish she could draw like that, though.)


The Spirit leads us to Godliness by teaching us to love God's Word and by giving us understanding. That's what it means to be led by the Spirit.


The reason I believe it is important to understand language, and the English language in particular (since that's what I speak and that's my current environment) is because it is through the understanding and right expression of language that we can communicate the gospel. I understand this even more because I am by nature a horrible communicator. But the more I study the language, and the more I study those who communicate beautifully, effectively, and rightly, the more capable I become of communicating the things God has given me. (I have a long, long way to go ;).)

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