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Sigh. I can't believe I'm posting this. Do your kids play Super Smash Bros Brawl...

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Do any of your kids play Super Smash Bros Brawl on the Wii? I'm sure most of you are appalled at the subject line and wouldn't even dream of opening this post. How I wish I were in your shoes.


However, my son plays this and loves it, and is looking for a "friend" to share friend codes with. He often plays on Monday night and Saturday morning. If your kids can play at those times and would like to have a "friend," would you please PM me, and we'll exchange friend codes.


Also, then, you and I can share condolences.:001_unsure:

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My girls play this all the time, and would love to trade friend codes. One day, I came home to find them playing against some friends...and talking on speaker phone with same friends :rolleyes: I will PM you!



Do any of your kids play Super Smash Bros Brawl on the Wii? I'm sure most of you are appalled at the subject line and wouldn't even dream of opening this post. How I wish I were in your shoes.


However, my son plays this and loves it, and is looking for a "friend" to share friend codes with. He often plays on Monday night and Saturday morning. If your kids can play at those times and would like to have a "friend," would you please PM me, and we'll exchange friend codes.


Also, then, you and I can share condolences.:001_unsure:

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