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Anyone Familiar with The Cotswolds?

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or have a U.K. Rick Steves book on hand, perhaps? I only have his London book and really don't want to have to buy his U.K. book also ...


We will be driving from London to South Wales this summer and would like to spend 1 night in the Cotswolds.

Never been to the Cotswolds before and don't know much about it, other than it's so pretty.




We'd like to find reasonable-priced accommodation for a family of 4.


Any recommendations?


If nothing specific, where should I look for as to towns/villages to stay?


  • Stow-on-the-Wold
  • Bibury
  • Tetbury
  • The Coln Valley
  • The Slaughters


Anything else?


Premier Inns are good and nice, it seems - but we're not sure which ones or which location would be ideal.


Although, I really would love a nice family-friendly B&B also.


Just as long as it's nice and not too expensive.


Thank you so much. :)

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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I used to live in Cheltenham and that would be a good place to visit as its kind of in the middle of it all and has pretty buildings, though more like Bath in appearance, alternatively somewhere like Bourton on the water, which is a touristy place and very pretty, maybe a bit twee but you would get a dose of pretty buildings and Cotswold charm.


My dh is from Bath and says chipping Norton would be a good place to go too.

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Thank you. Bourton looks lovely. Gosh, they all do. Decisions, decisions ... :D

I mean it's only for 1 night, but still, since these areas are not exactly cheap and since we're only there for 1 night, I would love a really nice English-y place.

I would like to finalize our decision today.


Does anyone know how far Broadway is to Chipping Camden? We're considering a place in Broadway.

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We stayed in Bourton on the Water 5 years ago in a little B&B a couple of blocks from the main street. We didn't pay much for the room.....it wasn't high end, just a queen sized in a nice clean room with a stone wall, a chair, and a wooden armoire.


As far as the town goes, we came in in late afternoon for tea and ate from a little take-away place for supper. It's a quiet contemplative place....very touristy. There are some nice walking trails around there as well.


For that leg of the journey, we started in Salisbury and worked our way up through Avebury and then through the Cotswolds on little local buses.

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Here are some rambling thoughts from my dh who went about 15 years ago. Hope they help in some way!


I stayed in Chipping Camden

Visited Stow-on-the-Wold

Bourton-on-the-water – which has a really cool miniature model of the village that you can actually walk through.

Drove through and if I remember correctly stopped in Bibury.

I think it was Gloucestershire region of the Cotswolds.

We included a trip to to Windsor Castle – on the way from London to the Cotswolds.

And we also visited Henley on Thames – Shakespeare’s birth place I think.


If it were me, I’d stay in one of the smaller villages to get the real small quaint feeling (if you want that country feel) then visit the larger villages and tour them.


I think there are also hiking paths between villages too.


Found this link which captures photos of the two places I mentioned above.

One where we stayed and one with the 1/9th scale village in Bourton on the Water.



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I used to live in Cheltenham and that would be a good place to visit as its kind of in the middle of it all and has pretty buildings, though more like Bath in appearance, alternatively somewhere like Bourton on the water, which is a touristy place and very pretty, maybe a bit twee but you would get a dose of pretty buildings and Cotswold charm.


My dh is from Bath and says chipping Norton would be a good place to go too.


Victoria Magazine (I think it was from March 1996) once had a write-up of The Model Village in Bourton on the Water. It sounded wonderful!

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OMG, it's so beautiful! We're planning to fly to London for a few days this summer (once Han Solo's passport comes in), but now I'm thinking maybe we should drive and go to the Cotswolds instead. What to do? What to do?

If your budget allows and time allows, I would try to do both. :)

We've decided to shorten our days in London and spend 1 night in the Cotswolds.

It's just so gorgeous there and I've always wanted to go to a place like that. Dh teases me that my ideal life would be skipping along in a fairytale village. True. :lol:

If you need tips and info, let me know.

If you'd like to know where we chose to stay, PM me.

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No come to where I live. beautiful Devon and eat a cream tea, its just as quaint here, just less twee cheesy quaint and has proper beautiful countryside.


Tourist attracting bulletin over.

I went to Devon as a child and loved it. Would love to go back. And I can just taste the cream tea right now. :D

Wish we could go on this trip - not enough time and it's further out than Wales.


I've sat in bookstores looking at the latest travel guides and taking notes... Check out tripadvisor.com too. It's good to check out reviews before you book.

No good bookstores here.

Yes, I did lots of research on Trip Advisor before booking. :)

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