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Couch-to-5K question

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My sister has challenged me to do a 5K run with her June 4. Since the Couch-to-5K program trains for 9 weeks, 3xday, is there a safe way to accelerate it so that I'd be ready by then?


As for current physical condition: I'm going to test for my black stripe next month for Tae Kwon Do, and Sis and I have been doing a modified (read: VERY slow and modified!;)) P90X 3xweek for about 6 or 7 weeks. I'm also overweight.



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I'm doing C25K now on week 4. Dh and I do the runs whenever we can. Not necessarily on the official schedule of run one day, off the next. Sometimes we will be able to run 3 days in a row. Some weeks we get a day in, then nothing for 3 days, then mush the other two days in however we can.


If I were to be very dedicated and had time and great weather to run every day, I'd do a week by running three days in a row, take a day off then go to the next week and do three days in a row.

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i think you could do it! it's only 3 miles. i definitely wouldn't tie any expectation to it aside from just completeing it, but i think starting to train in mid april, you can complete 3 miles by early june. even though you are overweight, it sounds like you have a fairly active lifestyle. my main advice is to buy good shoes (from an actual running/walking store). good shoes & socks will make a BIG difference.:) have FUN!

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i'm doing it now. i'm on week 6. these first 6 weeks are interval training. you can see it online. I would think that you could most likely start at week 3 easily, but it's a jump from week 3 to 4. If you need to, do week 3 twice. From week 7-9 it is just increasing by a minute each week until up to 30 mins.


So do weeks 3-6 (3-4 weeks) and then see if you can just spend the remaining time working yourself up to running 3 miles straight, regardless of your 'time'.


I run so slow that I bet I do not run 3 miles in 30 mins.


I'm running one the end of May for the first time so I'll be working towards that as well.

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I think it's possible to be ready by June. I'm on week 7, and according to my pedometer I'm really close to 5K already just by running 25 minutes. I've never been able to run for that long or that far! Granted, if I'm pushing the jogger I'm much, much slower. I've found the program manageable and not too much to frustrate me. I think you could do it!:001_smile:

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I did C25K last year before a 5K and then Irongirl. I wouldn't necessarily accelerate it; just get all your sessions in - 3x a week - and do your best on race day. I walked half of the 5K, but managed to run all but a minute or so of the the tri 5K, so slow and steady training worked well for me. Have FUN!!! :grouphug:

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I did C25K last year before a 5K and then Irongirl. I wouldn't necessarily accelerate it; just get all your sessions in - 3x a week - and do your best on race day. I walked half of the 5K, but managed to run all but a minute or so of the the tri 5K, so slow and steady training worked well for me. Have FUN!!! :grouphug:


I think this is my suggestion too. I have to restart (again), but the times I've had the best success in sticking with the program is when I didn't rush it.


If I really felt like I were in good shape, then I might do two workout days at one level instead of three, until I found my training level. But the whole idea of the program is to help you condition and not get injured. I think you might be better to stretch on race day beyond your comfort zone than to not run on race day because you were sidelined with shin splints or another injury.



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I bet you could do it since you are already exercising and fairly fit.


First of all, you can do it every other day instead of 3 days a week. I did that, and completed it in more like 8 weeks.


Also, you might be able to hop in to week 2 or 3. Don't start further along than week 3 b/c Week 5 is a bit of a killer. :)


Enjoy!! (I loved c25k. . . I started it 8/31/10, and am training for my first half marathon the first week of June. . . and looking to a marathon in Sept. I found running to be addictive once I got through the first 3 months of acclimation to it. . .)

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is a fairly old thread, but I wanted to let you know that I did the 5K last Saturday. I walked/jogged it -- sloooowly! :) My time was 48:50 -- a personal best!:D Sis challenged me to the 10K in 2 years -- YIKES!

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I know this is a fairly old thread, but I wanted to let you know that I did the 5K last Saturday. I walked/jogged it -- sloooowly! :) My time was 48:50 -- a personal best!:D Sis challenged me to the 10K in 2 years -- YIKES!

:hurray:Wow! You did accelerate it. Or maybe we're just really slow. We had to take 3 weeks off when our house guests were here. We will start on Week 8 tomorrow.

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I know this is a fairly old thread, but I wanted to let you know that I did the 5K last Saturday. I walked/jogged it -- sloooowly! :) My time was 48:50 -- a personal best!:D Sis challenged me to the 10K in 2 years -- YIKES!


That is super cool. No matter what the time, I'm impressed that you stuck with it and did the 5k.


I've got my eye on a 5k over Labor Day weekend. I had to go all the way back to week one o when I left the gym and it's lovely treadmill. But I'm plugging away at it.

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