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So what kind of vehicle could you buy if...

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you sold all of your curricula/homeschooling supplies for 75% of what they are worth?


My van isn't terribly old, but we take long trips routinely. Dh is starting to talk about replacing it (which means we might get something different within the next 3 or 4 years). It occurs to me that I could have a really nice, gently used SUV for the money I've spent on the curricula and supplies on my shelves. Instead, I'll keep driving an older van with lots and lots of miles.


So what kind of vehicle could you buy? A junker? A Mercedes?

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A NICE bicycle :001_smile:


You did not ask me to sell my personal library, did you? Just curriculum?



If I am selling my personal library, you have to, too.:tongue_smilie: But notice I said I am keeping my books and continuing to drive my old van. Seriously, though, I did include any book that could be used for any subject at any level in my estimate. All the easy readers, all the novels, all the history books, all the art books, all the educational DVD's, all the music CD's and instruments, etc.

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If I am selling my personal library, you have to, too.:tongue_smilie: But notice I said I am keeping my books and continuing to drive my old van. Seriously, though, I did include any book that could be used for any subject at any level in my estimate. All the easy readers, all the novels, all the history books, all the art books, all the educational DVD's, all the music CD's and instruments, etc.



OK, THEN I could probably buy a nice new car.

We have a few thousand books which would deliver a comprehensive literature education, a collection of records (are those antiques now?) and CDs which could be used for music studies, DVDs which could be used for film studies and to supplement literature, a piano, and rock climbing and mountaineering equipment that could be used for PE. Oh, and computers of course.

My house would be empty except for dishes and clothes ;-)


When you said "curriculum", I thought of textbooks, workbooks, video lectures, "educational" materials.

I did not think of "pretty much anything I own". Thinking of that as "homeschool supplies" is really not a bad way of putting it.


But wait, we could do home economics with the dishes and kitchen utensils and stove and washing machine ... the microwave might serve educational purposes too... the house WOULD be bare. period.


ETA: I forgot about the educational value of gardening. Which would mean I'd have to sell our property. So I'd be homeless and would be forced to buy an RV...

Edited by regentrude
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Definitely a junker. I don't spend that much on curriculum.


Of course, I don't go crazy with cars, either. We have bought my last two cars new, but neither of them were Volvos or anything.


Actually, this is funny. My husband and I were talking about this earlier, about the way each of us spends money. I just bought a new VW Golf, and I was feeling a little guilty about it. I mentioned that, you know, I didn't ask for the $90,000 Infinity I always think is cute when I see it on the road.


He said that I didn't ask for it, because I knew he would laugh at me. But I pointed out that I don't really think he would. I have a pretty good track record of doing lots of research and thinking over big purchases very carefully. I don't like to spend money if I don't have to spend it. So, if I actually went to him and told him I thought the $90,000 vehicle was the best option for us, he probably wouldn't laugh or think I was crazy. Now, realistically, it would be INSANE for us to buy such a car, but I've earned the credibility to at least discuss it, if I really thought it was the right choice.


Honestly, though, I'm really happy with my Golf, even though I couldn't have financed it with used curricula.


I suppose one could say that we could afford it in part because I don't have shelves full of pricey curricula, though. That counts for something, right?

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I've got over 1000 books in the kid section of my library, BUT nobody is going to buy them. I've listed some of them--50-100--both here & Craig's List for 50c-$1/ea w/ NO response.


Point being, if they won't sell, they're worthless. But even at $1/book, $1000 won't buy much of a car. Add in *actual* curric, &...I don't think the # would come up more than a couple hundred dollars.


But...we did buy our current van for $1500. It just broke down the week after & cost another $1500 to get running again. :lol:

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