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Keyboard/Digital Piano -- can you recommend one for me

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My 6 yo DD is taking piano lessons and we need to get her something to play on. We are not ready to get a full sized piano, so I am looking at 88 key digital pianos and keyboards.

I am not a music person and I don't know what to look for. I am considering these:







Can someone weigh in on which is better, or recommend something else.


Thank you!

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Get the one with the weighted keys. When/if your child plays on a regular piano, it won't feel as foreign to her.


My dd plays on a Yamaha Clavinova (it's 12 years old, so I don't remember what model it is) that has weighted keys and she has no problem transitioning to a regular piano.


I don't think you can go wrong with Yamaha.

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We also have a Yamaha Clavinova and have been very happy with it. I second the recommendation for weighted keys. I also highly recommend getting something with a sustain pedal. Our kids had been practicing on our organ during their first year or two of lessons, but once the lessons progressed into using the sustain pedal, we decided to purchase the Clavinova.


We've also been very pleased with the headphone jack. :001_smile:


Erica in OR

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I bought this Casio Privia PX130 for my oldest this past Christmas. I'm thinking of getting another as he has it squirreled away in his room.


You can see it here (I was photographing the loft bed--which I built for him, so not a great pic of the piano. It does give an idea of scale in about a 10x12 room though if space is an issue.)




ETA: He has played since he was about 8, is 17 now and says this is a good instrument and feels close enough to a real acoustic piano to not affect your playing habits (like for lessons & recitals on acoustic pianos).

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I bought this Casio Privia PX130 for my oldest this past Christmas. I'm thinking of getting another as he has it squirreled away in his room.


You can see it here (I was photographing the loft bed--which I built for him, so not a great pic of the piano. It does give an idea of scale in about a 10x12 room though if space is an issue.)




ETA: He has played since he was about 8, is 17 now and says this is a good instrument and feels close enough to a real acoustic piano to not affect your playing habits (like for lessons & recitals on acoustic pianos).



Ooooh! Thank you so much!! That is so very helpful.

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