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OK, why does the school room get so messy?

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I have a large school room (about 12x17') with 3 med. desks, 6 or 7 bookcases (I'm sure about 1500 books???) and 2 computer stations w/bar stools (think 4'high, 2.5'wide, 2.5'deep square). The room includes about 65 sq feet of corner hearth, and a 12' floor-to-ceiling glass slider/window "wall". (So one wall is bookcases, one wall is wood stove, windows.)


Does anyone have posted lists of what to clean up every day already made in Word or something?


Does anyone have a good, working plan to keep the room clean?


I am thinking maybe I could post lists and say "start at #1 and work your way down?). It is usually a disaster by the weekend, meaning library books pulled off the shelves, read and not reshelved, 3-4-5 encylopedias on the floor, we need better daily cleaning plans...


My kids are 8yos, 11yos, 13yod, so to me, we are finally an "an age" where we ought to be able to keep it clean?


What are everyone else's plans? How do you all cope?


OK, I can't edit the title: I know "why" it gets messy, but how to tame the beast?

Thanks - Lisaj

Edited by 74Heaven
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In my mind, there's a difference between clean and tidy. Tidy happens when people put back things where they belong when they are done. Tidy needs to happen every day, sometimes multiple times a day, if that's what you are after. Clean can happen less frequently.


What do you want, clean or tidy (or both--LOL!) IOW< are you willing to live with untidy for a few days at a time, as long as it's clean, or do you want tidy (and clean) at the end of every day?

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You have to teach/instruct/model/remind/repeat the process of putting things away when you're finished with them. It has to be a constant, on-going, always-in-the-background-dialogue.


It's trickier to keep things tidy when there really isn't a specific time that things start and stop, but still, reminders to don't put it down, put it away help. And they have to happen all.the.time.

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