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S/O-Low Carb posts. How many carbs do you shoot for?

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I'm still playing around with it, but I try to stay under 50...most days a good bit lower, like around 30, but I'll go up to 50 or 60 one or two days a week...mostly weekends. I sort of read (skimmed) Protein Power...they suggest something like 12 g per meal, so 36 a day to start with. I don't count anything but carbs, so I have no idea how much protein or fat I'm eating, really.

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I'm still playing around with it, but I try to stay under 50...most days a good bit lower, like around 30, but I'll go up to 50 or 60 one or two days a week...mostly weekends. I sort of read (skimmed) Protein Power...they suggest something like 12 g per meal, so 36 a day to start with. I don't count anything but carbs, so I have no idea how much protein or fat I'm eating, really.


Thanks. I put a request for the book at my library and will check it out.

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I use MyFitnessPal and according to their suggestions based on my desire to lose 1 lb a week I should have 43g a day as a baseline. It takes weight into consideration when calculating, and when I exercise and log that activity it adjusts carbs/protein/fats/calories etc.

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I use MyFitnessPal and according to their suggestions based on my desire to lose 1 lb a week I should have 43g a day as a baseline. It takes weight into consideration when calculating, and when I exercise and log that activity it adjusts carbs/protein/fats/calories etc.


Thanks. This looks like a great site. No Blackberry app though:tongue_smilie: I might try it anyway.

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This isn't going to be terribly helpful, but I think you need to work out a level that suits you..


:iagree: I wouldn't have a clue how many grams per day I require because I am far too lazy to figure out such things. Maybe I was born lucky so don't need to worry to this level, but this is making me remember thoughts and feelings from when I had my first baby. My grandmother wanted me to express milk so I could see how many ml the baby was consuming. She couldn't give me a reason beyond "so you know" as to why I should. From my lazy pov, enough was going that enough was coming out and the baby was growing. That was as much info as I needed!


Try eating a small carb snack like fruit or a bread roll for morning and afternoon tea each day for a week. Make it about two hours after your last meal. If you eat dinner late, have another snack before you start cooking dinner. This pattern will help you see when in your day you need carbs and in what quantity. If you are starving by 11 and want to eat a full meal, that tells you that you need to tweak your breakfast, for example.


From my reading, it seems most people need a breakfast and lunch heavier in protein and lighter in carbs, and a dinner higher in carbs and lower in protein. (Disclaimer, I did not say everyone.)


For breakfast and lunch, I'm a happy girl if I eat something like two or three flatbreads, some beans and avocado. Lately we've been eating dal, which is fine for me providing I put ghee in for the fat, though it would be better if I had some grains because I'm finding I need a larger snack than I ought to need for morning tea.


I don't know much about the low carb movement though. I assume it means "as low as your body is comfortable with" not "live on meat so there's no room in your belly for those nasty carbs."



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