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sigh. The librarian couldn't pronounce

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No, she said, "Schiff(?), S. Wise," both times. The S. Wise was clear.


Who knows, maybe she was reading something from an incorrect spot on her screen. (maybe something was LISTED incorrectly on her screen) … I'm sure that you & everyone here has, at some point, read something incorrectly. I sure have!

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I think you should go back next week and ask again. And tape it. And then post it on YouTube. Then start a campaign to have the city send her back to school to learn how to read. Better yet, let's all help!


And that was really rude. I was just giving my experience. So should we never criticize our politicians or anything because they aren't on this board? I was making a point about how dismal our library is and how the quality is absurd. It seems like everyone is getting all fussy and attacking people in the past week or so. Looks like I need a board break because I don't need this drama of someone attacking me.




You're right! How dare I criticize you for starting a thread to ask us why someone did something you didn't hear and none of us can ever know about.


I've taken the chill pill (yours, apparently, since you're so cool and collected already!).


Tell us where you live and what her name is so we can start campaigning to have her fired! Post her photo here so that we can start making an effigy of her to burn.

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I think you should go back next week and ask again. And tape it. And then post it on YouTube. Then start a campaign to have the city send her back to school to learn how to read. Better yet, let's all help!




You're right! How dare I criticize you for starting a thread to ask us why someone did something you didn't hear and none of us can ever know about.


I've taken the chill pill (yours, apparently, since you're so cool and collected already!).


Tell us where you live and what her name is so we can start campaigning to have her fired! Post her photo here so that we can start making an effigy of her to burn.


You are confusing this poster with the OP. They are two different people talking about two different situations.

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"You have reached the _____ county LIBERRY". <----now that is said, to work at the library and not even know how to pronounce it correctly!




But my mother pronounces library that way, too. (I don't think it's an accent thing, 'cause nobody else in my family says it that way. Sometimes I wonder if she does it on purpose -- to be cute.)

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Talking about hard to pronounce names. My Dh's parents are German, with a German last name, My Dh is Canadian, and has shifted to Australia, and there is NOBODY in Australia that can pronounce his last name correctly.

last name Lohr. apparently in Canada the closest people come is something like Lore, but in Australia lore is pronounced like law, and so is Lohr, he keeps trying to get people to say the "r" at the end, but none of us can roll the "r" at all.:lol::lol::lol:


Maybe your librarian is a secret Australian, and cannot roll r's or something?

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I think you should go back next week and ask again. And tape it. And then post it on YouTube. Then start a campaign to have the city send her back to school to learn how to read. Better yet, let's all help!




You're right! How dare I criticize you for starting a thread to ask us why someone did something you didn't hear and none of us can ever know about.


I've taken the chill pill (yours, apparently, since you're so cool and collected already!).


Tell us where you live and what her name is so we can start campaigning to have her fired! Post her photo here so that we can start making an effigy of her to burn.




You are confusing this poster with the OP. They are two different people talking about two different situations.


:001_huh: :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:





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You are confusing this poster with the OP. They are two different people talking about two different situations.

SIGH! You're right! And I even tried to keep it straight!


One = started the thread sighing because of the supposed mispronunciation although what she said is the big unknown.

Two = called her librarian very nice but barely literate, but this wasn't a criticism. (Also sighed? Not sure.)


Whatever the case, good news people: We've got to burn two librarians in effigy!


(Or, we could start a "I hate everyone whose not prefect" facebook page!)

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