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Another morning spent/wasted on phone with doctors offices

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I hope you don't mind a brief vent.


I just realized that 2 1/2 hours of my home school day are gone and I've spent most of that time either leaving messages at my son's geneticist's office, waiting and stressing about the call backs.Then getting called back by the wrong departments because my messages were mis-routed.


Then to top it all off worrying if I was forceful enough or if I was too forceful.


Now I'm so irritated and stressed out that I need to calm down so I can be the gentle teacher I want to be. (Thus the vent.) I do NOT want to have to play catch-up on Saturday.


Sometimes it seems there is not enough chocolate in the world.

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Oh vent away! I gained 10 pounds in one semester from eating the chocolate and sitting in the car too much driving for appointments. Oh and the Wendy's frosties and rootbeer floats to keep me awake.


Mercifully, it's Friday, meaning you can eat tonight and veg. Have you tried soaking your feet? It's very relaxing. I doubt you've offended anyone there. You're probably pretty normal for what they come across. Everyone feels strongly and wants answers ASAP and is frustrated. They understand.


Here's the foot soak recipe.


3 tablespoons borax (you know, the stuff in the laundry aisle, 40 Mule)

1 drop iodide (get in the pharmacy section)

2 tablespoons wheat bran (this has good vitamins, helps heal your feet)

1 tablespoon baking soda


Put all this in a dishpan and fill with hot water. Insert feet. It will tingle, but that will stop. Makes your feet really soft, so you can scrub and exfoliate them with a pumice stone.


I patterned my recipe off the label of a foot soak product someone on the boards here had mentioned. That product is sold in packets you can buy on amazon, so you could try it that way too. I just happened to have had the stuff to do it myself, so it was just as easy. It think it was called Johnson's Foot Soak.

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Thanks everyone.


Chocolate, coffee, a foot soak and a Friday night. I guess you all put it in perspective- Things are looking much better:)

:grouphug: I'm glad you're doing better. I confess--and I felt a bit guilty when you said there wasn't enough chocolate in the world. If there is a shortage of chocolate, I am largely responsible for it. :blush:

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I feel your pain. I've done this so much with ds's various doc's.


Most recently, I've been calling the same doc's office for 3 weeks trying to get an appt and keep getting the message system. I've called several times a day every weekday and have left 4 messages, yet no return call.


They are even out of network for us so we would be paying out of pocket, it's like I have to chase them down and beg them to give us an appt and take my money!

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