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Broken toe?

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Ack! Don't go to the ER! $500 later (or whatever) and they'll tell you this: there's nothing you can do.


Swollen & throbbing = probably broken. I've had this happen -- it hurts like the dickens, you just have to go deal with it however you deal with pain, and it will heal.

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I posted a thread with this same title just about a week or so ago. My toe still hurts to the touch, is a tad bigger than normal, and red. Looks like it was stung by a bee. I'm thinking I should probably get it checked out soon.




Hope yours is better soon!

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I posted a thread with this same title just about a week or so ago. My toe still hurts to the touch, is a tad bigger than normal, and red. Looks like it was stung by a bee. I'm thinking I should probably get it checked out soon.




Hope yours is better soon!


A week is a long time for a bee sting to still be causing problems, hope your toe heals soon!


Me too, I was so grateful it was summer! Mine ended up jamming the bone in my foot right below my baby toe and so that foot is now wider.


That sounds painful.


Yeah, hours later and still really painful especially when I walk. Flip flops in the rain are pretty difficult but it hurts too bad to get a shoe on yet. Taped it though, but I told DH he'd never make it as a nurse:tongue_smilie:.

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So, I was rushing to help DH, and I kicked the couch and I seriously think I broke my baby toe!


I really don't want to sit in the ER for hours tonight. How do I know if it's broken, What can I do?


It's swollen and thobbing!!!!!!

I went to the ER with 4 broken toes and a broken foot bone. They did nothing for the toes, not even tape. The pinkie toe healed wrong (yes, it was twisted 180 and the doctor could have seen that!) and now will not bend the correct direction, so I can't wear a variety of dressy shoes, or even the right size in sports shoes and I am very limited in my movement and dealing with pain upon dancing, jumping, jogging... well just about everything. Don't make my mistake. See a sport's doctor.

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