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I can't keep my fingers in my ears...(History Makers ?)

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Is there an emocon for "fingers in the ears....la-la-la?"


It's hard to believe that my ds is approaching SIXTH grade. I have posted recently about SOTW4..and what I should do. I got great advice from the hive. But SOMEBODY had to go and mention History Makers. Then I had to google on it.......and now, a new option to ponder....


Here's my plan: (I have 5th/6th graders this fall)


5th/6th grade:

Do History Odyssey Modern Level 1 with SOTW4. ( I don't think my writing phobic kids could handle Level 2 yet. We are working to fix this with IEW.)

6th/7th grade:

History Makers

7th/8th grade:

History Makers/World Geography Study



TRISMS/Public-School type text


I really, really want to foster independent study.


What say the hive?



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Well, I'll be doing SOTW IV this coming fall with my rising 4th and 6th grader. I intend to do History Makers the following two years for 5/6th and 7/8th. I'll adapt the materials as needed for my young guy, and probably add in SOTW I-IV. I really like that they schedule out IEW. I also like that it's very research focused. I think this will foster alot of independence, at least eventually. One weakness I see, as per Linda in NM, is that they don't do any significant lit analysis with their corresponding reading. I'm pretty strong personnally in this area, so it concerns me less than it might someone who wants more guidance. I'll also use a formal Science program. I like the way History Makers intergrate science topics, but my oldest is more science focused, so the extra will be good.


I don't know if I'll use TRISMS high school program. If we hs in high school, I may attempt TOG. I don't plan that far in advance. I find my plans usually change.

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I want us to sweep through history and study it, and study literature, and write. I do not need someone else giving all these assignments. I think the science looks hokey, and I would have to tweak it a lot. I don't want to just teach IEW--I also want to use Writer's Jungle and Writing Strands. More than anything, I want to use the WTM middle school/logic stage suggestions. They are really, really good, and comprehensive, and best of all, they give me the space to be a teacher!


So as we continue with history we are using: Steward Ship (a loose unit study approach), SOTW4, and All American History 2. We are using "Sounding forth the Trumpet" as our primary US ante-bellum spine, but comparing it with other sources (it is quite providential, which I have not been willing to expose DD to before). We are about to start using the Critical Thinking in American History books for the first time, starting with Book 2. DD is outlining regularly, and writing summarization papers as well. She is also using Writing Strands and Rod and Staff writing lessons periodically, and doing some other writing.


I like it like this. And she has the space to tell me what she wants to work on as well, which is something that I value about homeschooling.


YMMV, obviously, but I thought it was worth mentioning that giving DD room to be a self-starter, and giving me room to customize her assignments to her interests and needs is something that I value a lot and wouldn't give up; I'll bet that others feel the same.

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FWIW, my son loves the research assignments in History Makers--we didn't do much science, since we did Rainbow science for 8th grade...and he asked me to keep two programs: Trisms and Videotext Algebra. His favorites. I like the living books approach to history that Trisms uses--I really try to avoid textbooks as much as possible (the old CM thing..)

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