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I haven't read all the replies, but...


I don't usually have cramps - or have pretty mild ones if I do - but I did experience twice in my life some pretty intense moments during that time. I remember hot flashes, chills, cramps that made me crawl to bed verses walk. There was also nausea.


I was describing it to a friend a few years later who told me it had happened to her as well. Very much like the symptoms of a miscarriage she said. And btw, there's no way that's what it was in my case. I'm certainly not implying anything.


Advil was what I took at the time and it seemed to help. FWIW, Aleve was not a good choice for me because it hurts my stomach (but I also have GERD).


Give her chocolate and a day in bed. :001_unsure: Poor girl! Just wanted to empathize.

Edited by EppieJ
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From my own experience, I'd have to disagree. I'd take 800 mg of Ibuprofen, and it did help some, but no where near as much as Naproxen (Anaprox/Aleve) does. The Ibuprofen would make the pain barely tolerable, whereas the Naproxen makes them completely disappear. Maybe it depends on the person? So I'd try both! Also, I see that lots of people suggest taking in advance of period or pain. That's a lot of pills, but of course if it's necessary, I'd do it. But even when I get horrible cramps, if I take Naproxen, they are gone within the hour. I usually just take it when I start to feel them, and they don't have time to get really bad and go away completely. I have not had to take pills for several days ahead of time. So I'd at least try waiting until the cramps just begin.

Alleve is what I have at home anyway. :)

I haven't read all the replies, but...


I don't usually have cramps - or have pretty mild ones if I do - but I did experience twice in my life some pretty intense moments during that time. I remember hot flashes, chills, cramps that made me crawl to bed verses walk. There was also nausea.


I was describing it to a friend a few years later who told me it had happened to her as well. Very much like the symptoms of a miscarriage she said. And btw, there's no way that's what it was in my case. I'm certainly not implying anything.


Advil was what I took at the time and it seemed to help. FWIW, Aleve was not a good choice for me because it hurts my stomach (but I also have GERD).


Give her chocolate and a day in bed. :001_unsure: Poor girl! Just wanted to empathize.


Thank you. :) I appreciate your empathy. :grouphug: Chocolate and a day in bed is pretty much what she got today.


By the way, I wanted to let you all know that she is feeling much much better. She even wanted to go with me when I went out to the grocery store after dinner. She hasn't thrown up anymore and she said that her cramps feel much better now. So thank you for all the prayers and helpful advice. :) :grouphug:

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Well, since I can't predict the exact day, I have to wait until it starts. Then I drop everything, scarf down some crackers as quick as I can and take TWO Aleve pills. That pretty much keeps cramps away for me. If I delay even 15 minutes, it's not as effective. If it starts while I'm asleep, I'm up a creek.


I'm glad your daughter is feeling better. My teenage years pre-Aleve were horrible. I had to have my parents pick me up at college one time (I went to a local school) because I was in too much pain to drive home.

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Well, since I can't predict the exact day, I have to wait until it starts. Then I drop everything, scarf down some crackers as quick as I can and take TWO Aleve pills. That pretty much keeps cramps away for me. If I delay even 15 minutes, it's not as effective. If it starts while I'm asleep, I'm up a creek.


I'm glad your daughter is feeling better. My teenage years pre-Aleve were horrible. I had to have my parents pick me up at college one time (I went to a local school) because I was in too much pain to drive home.



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I had ovarian cysts, but they usually only gave me problems when I was ovulating.

I never had bad periods before, but starting in my 30's - I now get nauseated, and have horrible cramping the first two or three days. The nausea lasts from about two days before to a few days after. It is miserable.

She may be normal - but it still sounds like a consult with a gyn is a good idea....

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Lots of people have this -- severe pain, blacking out, throwing up every half hour for 24 hours. It likely doesn't mean anything, except that she needs to learn to take ibuprofen or Aleve BEFORE the pain starts.


I wouldn't make her go to the dr about it unless the pain drugs don't work. You might want to talk to a dr yourself to be sure it's normal, but I know if I made my daughters go see a gynecologist they'd probably be scarred for life. Even the IDEA that they might have to go through a gynecological exam would be too much for them.


I've had severe pain like this most of my life and there's nothing wrong with me that anyone can find. It doesn't start with the first periods, for most people. It takes a couple years.

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Poor thing. I used to get them that bad sometimes. I always had cramps that were horrible, but a few times a year they were excruciating. One time, when I was 17, I had them so bad that I had to go home from work (as a waitress) because I couldn't even stand. I was shaking and just crazy weak.


I found that if I started taking advil at the first sign of anything, and kept on it for a few days, they weren't as bad. Heating pads helped too. Mostly it is just no fun, although for my mother and sister and me, once we had our first child, they almost completely went away.

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I was on Rx naproxen, which is 550 mg of alleve, so it is safe to take 2 alleve. But yes, take it as SOON as she starts feeling the pain. ASAP.


Another thing that one of my >many< obgyns told me (I seem to send them into retirement, for some reason) take an aspirin or two. Aspirin is a blood thinner and can help if she has lots of clots, which CAN also cause cramping as her body tries to pass them. Yeah, I know, TMI!


And I would take to her an GYN to be checked out. I had a lot of back pain, and it turned out that I had alot of Endometriosis in the area behind my uterus (cul-de-sac, it was called). Of course, this was discovered a good 10-12 years AFTER I started my period. So I just lived with it for all those years... :glare:. Try to find someone who works with teens. And she might feel better with a female. But ask. I've always preferred male gyns.

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