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Finnish model of education

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I found this article very interesting. I feel that the Finnish model closely follows my beliefs in education. I am wondering if there is anywhere I can find specifics for how the Finnish teach math or writing, for instance. Does anybody have an idea to point me in that direction? I tried Googling it, but haven't come up with anything more than articles discussing why the Finnish model is good. I would like to find more specifics, if possible. I was particularly intrigued by what the article said about math.



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When the Finnish school system started hitting the news a few years back, I asked a Finnish nurse I worked with to distill the philosophy. She said something along the lines of "an old fashioned, rigorous education taught by kindly people who are just sure the children are going to try hard and do well."


That could sum up the year I had in the Canberra school system in 1968 (last half of 3rd gr, first half of 4th). Compared to that, I felt my midwestern US, college-town school was weak intellectually, sports and status- mad, and full of luke-warm teachers.

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There's a chapter in a book on Finland reprinted here



I found out about it on this thread



You can also see a video on the BBC website at



and here


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Math Mammoth was written by a Finnish mathematician/teacher.


I did not know this. Thanks for sharing this.

I am so impressed by everything I see about the Finnish education system :thumbup:. I still need to read up on it more.

I may even consider Math Mammoth, even though I never have before.

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