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Should I take my ds to get me a Mother's day..

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Yes! You absolutely should do everything you can to help him express himself this way. What a sweet ds you have!


I've been taking my dds to purchase Mothers' Day gifts for years. In recent years, I've helped them buy birthday and Christmas gifts for me as well. It is *very* important to them.

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Is there a Grandpa or Grandpa like person to take him? Since, his father doesn't seem to want to do this, it might be nice to have a father figure show him how important the appreciation of a Mother is.


I guess I would take him. My boys can walk to the store though;) (It's close!)

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My dh did take the boys for the first time last year. They were 13 and 10. I have always taken them usually giving them about 10 dollars and took them to the dollar store or something like that. I still have coffee cups and stuff that they bought. My 11 yo still points out-remember Mom when I got that for you. It makes them feel so good.

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card? My dh won't take him or them, to get me anything for Mother's day. He really wants to get me one and I don't want to break his heart because DH won't take him. What should I do?


Mary H


1. One of your olders could take him.


2. One of my *fondest* memories...I think it was of Mother's Day...was when I was about 3 or 4. My mom was at Walgreen's, & I'm sure she'd seen that these lotion bottles were on sale ahead of time, but she let me pick one. She showed me which ones to choose from, & ea. had a different flower design. Then she turned her back while I picked, & she kept her eyes covered at the register. It meant SO much to me to get to pick out a gift for her.

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Let him pick it out without you being around. That way it will still be a secret when you get it. I've done this with my kids when they were young and it helped them realize that holidays are important to some people and even the smallest thought can go a great way towards making someone happy.

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I think it's so sweet that your ds wants to do something like that for you. I agree with the others that you should just go ahead and take him. You want to encourage that kind of generosity in him, especially since Dad isn't modeling it. His wife will thank you some day! :001_smile:

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