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Calling Dr. Hive! Would you go to the Dr. for this?

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DS has been sick now for more than a week. Last Monday he felt bad and slept all day. Tuesday he started diarrhea and has been throwing up or diarrhea, or both since then. I thought he was getting better but last night we had another round of explosive diarrhea. He's drinking plenty of liquid - I'm not worried about dehydration, but I've never had a stomach bug last this long. I'm wondering if there's something else going on.


Would you take him in yet or just let it continue to run its course?

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When my fil had something like this he was advised to eat lots of yogurt to help build up the good bacteria that keeps things in proper working order. That bacteria has gotten depleted and can't build itself back up because things are moving too fast through his system.


IIRC dehydration can still be an issue when it's all coming back out too quickly. That was my ds's situation, except his was nonstop vomiting. The doc said he couldn't rehydrate which just caused the vomiting to continue. I still don't understand how that all works, but after ds got the IV to rehydrate he was fine.


Yes, I'd take him in.

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