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Update on me and my family - We are improving, thankfully. I had

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maintenance chemo today. I usually feel fine the first few days and then the coughing begins. I no longer have pneumonia, but the radiation that is still in my body from October and the chemo I take cause me to cough a lot. The dr. has put me on two different inhalers and predisone and we hope this will help with the coughing this time. I surely hope so because the coughing wears me out.


I took my oldest daughter who has been dealing with strep, flu, and bronchitis for the past six weeks to the allergist today. She is on the mend from the bronchitis after three antibiotics. He tested her for allergies today and dust mites came back really strong. He changed her medicines and is recommending allergy shots. He believes the dust mites are aggravating her asthma. She is in Cosmetology school and has been having trouble with her asthma since starting the program. We wonder about the ventilation in the room and all the chemicals she is exposed to during school. Her breathing is better when at home. So, now we have to decide about allergy shots.


My son is finally well and somehow my dh managed to stay well through the past six weeks. Pray for my middle daughter as she woke up with a sore throat, cough and aches this morning.


I can't tell you how exhausting the past six weeks have been for our family. We are not a family that usually gets sick, but we have been wham-bashed this year.


Please pray that the medicine the doctor has me on helps me with the coughing this week.


I did get released from Duke for my broken humerus! PTL! The dr wants me to continue PT for a while longer, but at least the healing is complete. So, I can check that one off! YAY!!


Thanks so much for your continued prayer support! I know it's God's grace that He has carried me through these past 2.3 years. I'm SO grateful for my prayer warriors who lift me up and intercede for me. May He be glorified through this experience!


In Him,



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