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Seeing the results of homeschooling: rising senior...

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I'm posting this slight brag out there in hopes that it will encourage others.


I've always felt like I somewhat short changed my oldest dd. She was my guinea pig. She wants to go into aeronautical engineering. I must admit the best teachers she's had have been online. I teach lit well, but that's not her area of interest. Many subjects she's done on her own with me just checking her work and getting help if needed.


Today she is at Mississippi State for their spring preview day. This isn't Ivy League, but it's where she wants to go. We toured the campus and engineering building earlier in the yr and met with the engineering advisor. We both loved the school and I feel really comfortable handing her over to them.


Today she went to the engineering talk and the eng. advisor we met with earlier in the yr was giving the talk. Dd went up to meet her afterwards and she remembered dd. Dd asked if she could sit in on a class and Mrs. M said sure and took her to a senior aviation design class. The class had 7 students. They make up the entire senior aeronautics class. Dd was sitting in the corner and the students invited her to join their group so they could explain what they were doing. They were designing an eco friendly plane on CAD. I asked her is she could understand what they were doing since she's had CAD classes and she said yes, but her aviation science class helped her the most. She loved the class and it confirmed her desire to go into aero engineering. She had to drag her dad who is with her to the class, but I'm so glad she did.


Dd also took it upon herself to visit our very small local airport where they give flying lessons. She wanted to take flying lessons and she and her sister just went there to talk to them. The teachers there were really excited that a young girl would be interested in this. The lessons cost $5000. I told her I would save for half and she could save for half out of her summer work money. One of the teacher's called her today to tell her that he found a scholarship for her!!!! I don't know if she'll get it, but it's a start.


I write all this to encourage those starting on the high school journey that it does work out in the end. I see my shy dd going out on her own and carving her own way with no prompting for anyone. I think she has confidence that may have been squashed in public school. If she was in school, she may have been so peer focused that she may not have persued her educational goals.


I'm also grateful that she had the chance to tailor her own education to her interests.


I'm also grateful for all the adults that have reached out to help her.

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What a lovely report, Michelle.


I wish your daughter the best while giving you a big pat on the back. Taking that leap of faith that you could do this homeschool high school thing was scary, wasn't it? Obviously it was a job well done.


Best regards,


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That is wonderful, Michelle! Thank you for telling us about your daughter. Good for her for contacting the flight school herself!

Your bit about public school squashing confidence and peer-focusing hampering pursuing educational goals are a good description of what happened to our oldest in public high school, and why we did not go that route with the other two.


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I see my shy dd going out on her own and carving her own way with no prompting for anyone. I think she has confidence that may have been squashed in public school.

Have you ever read A Sense of Self by Susannah Sheffer? I highly recommend it. It was written in response to Raising Ophelia, which talked about how girl's self esteem diminished through the adolescent years. A Sense of Self demonstrated that no such thing happens to hs'ed girls.


This was the first hs'ing book I ever read before I was ever even pregnant. I sincerely hope it holds true for boys as well.

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There is a deep, chest-swelling satisfaction for a mom when you've worked for 18 years to mother, disciple, train, teach and guide your child and you get a glimpse of the success and fruit that is becoming within reach. And to see your child delight and thrive in her chosen path, with opportunities that are more than you could have asked for or imagined is just heart-stopping good!


Thanks for sharing! It's amazing to see that this home schooling through high school thang really can work. :001_smile: (It doesn't much matter that thousands have gone on before. It only hits home once your first starts getting the acceptances and post-high school opportunities!)



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