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went to look at house that had "man cave"

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we are thiinking about moving inland (we live on an island and could get a nice amount for our house because of its location) and could get a much nicer house for less money if we moved inland. ANyway, dd and I went to an open house. The house has 14 rooms and is 3 stories and has a large swimming pool. Nice big kitchen and the entire house is hardwood floors (I believe cherry). There is a room in the back that the realtor called the man cave. It had a large bar (great for our non drinking family lol) with a pool table and an air hockey table. There used to be a hot tub for 8 here but it was moved to a deck off ;the master bedroom. Anyway, the funniest part of looking at the man cave was the bathroom, dd was laughing so hard, it had urinals in the bathroom. It was really funny.

We found out that we were the only people that came to the open house. There was even tons of food set out which the owmer insisted that we take some home.

Oh, nearly forgot there was a music room with a grand piano. And to think there is a possibly that we could maybe actually afford this house, the price is not outrageous and our house we live in now is worth a lot (we paid a very low price for it 17 years ago and the value of the houses on our island have not been that affected by the housing market, plenty of million dollar houses around us!

only thing is talking dh into moving off the island, he is the only one of us that goes to the beach lol.

Edited by Jeannie in NJ
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House sounds very fun!


Warning - unsolicited advice ahead...


You should also factor in the cost of ongoing expenses to a much bigger house. While you may be able to afford the purchase price, can you afford the insurance, heating bills, repair costs, cost to replace a roof that size? Everything related to this house will also be big. Do you want to clean and maintain a big house and lawn every week?

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Leave an island for an oversized house? I wouldn't! We are thinking of going the other way. (Our house isn't oversized, but we dream about buying a little 3 bedroom beach house--the kind with no garage or basement or attic but a view!) How old are your children? If they are very young and you have lots I might consider it....


McMansions are hard to sell, when the time comes.


I bet more than one family will come to your open house. You are already where we all want to be.


Love the bathroom. I've always thought an outside bathroom with little kid toilets and small sinks along with adult sized ones would be a nifty idea. But we'll make do with our outdoor shower and muddy, sandy kids traipsing through the kitchen to use the bathroom.

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Jeannie in NJ I say this as nicely as possible but :) are you crazy!! I don't know what your house looks like but I know where it is....and again I say are you crazy:) (said from someone who vacations on your island every summer!)


All kidding aside, sounds like a nice house and while I could live without the urinals...otherwise it sounds nice. Good luck with the decision!

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4 kiddies, dd and I timed the distance to the house offshore and it is exactly the same distance to the Boardwalk as the house I live in now (considering I live about as far south as you can get in O.C. and the house offshore is just over the 34th st. bridge). It is the absolute farthest that dh would even consider moving.

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