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I should've invested in plastic wrap before joining PBS..

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Anyone else feel like they use plastic wrap much more often for paperback swap than for kitchen use? I wish Costco carried bubble wrap envelopes!


I hate plastic wrap. I'm that person who can never get it to tear along the blade and ends up wrapped in feet of now-unusable plastic mess :glare: I use clean plastic grocery bags and knot them tightly instead. I also buy bubble wrap envelopes at the local dollar stores; you might check yours too. I know our Dollar Tree carries them for sure. And you're probably not, but I've heard people mention having problems with the sticky plastic wrap (not sure what it's called?)--that it adheres to some covers and can destroy the books.

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Anyone else feel like they use plastic wrap much more often for paperback swap than for kitchen use? I wish Costco carried bubble wrap envelopes!


I never wrap my books in plastic and have never had a problem. I wrap the package well and off it goes.


I don't like getting books wrapped only in the wrapping from PBS and plastic wrap. There is no cushion for the banging around the USPS does. I would much rather wrap it well or in an envelope with padding.


I have never had a complaint yet! :001_smile:

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I just recycle plastic grocery bags for that purpose. Or, when possible, I re-use the wrapping that has come on books I receive.


I'm not sure I own a roll of plastic wrap . . .


Exactly, right down to not owning a roll of plastic wrap :D. I try to use cloth/reusable grocery bags, but when I get low on plastic bags for PBS, I get my groceries in plastic. I also mix it up and get paper bags because I use those to wrap over the plastic grocery bags!

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When I get low on plastic bags for PBS, I get my groceries in plastic. I also mix it up and get paper bags because I use those to wrap over the plastic grocery bags!


This is exactly how I wrap mine. I've never used plastic wrap on a book - actually, I don't even own a roll of plastic wrap. :tongue_smilie:

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