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Campfire Cooking?

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We did some experimental forays at commercial campgrounds last summer, figuring that we'd forget things/our youngest is four/ and it would be nice to be near some conveniences at first. This summer, we are looking to head for a tent-only site and do more of our own cooking over the fire.


What supplies do you consider essential? What recipes do you cook/love? Any tips would be much appreciated.

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Byron's Dutch Oven cooking is our go-to recipe spot



There are lots of other good camp cooking sites if you google dutch oven cooking.


Necessary supplies: 2 Dutch ovens - one large, one small. DH loves the cast iron ones but also has an aluminum one for when he is backpacking (lighter). They both work well. Buy a good pair of tongs for removing the lid (it's HOT). And a couple good ladles for spooning out the goodies.


We also take an aluminum coffee pot. That's all we need. Each person is issued a plate/cup/knife-fork-spoon combo. The cup can double as a bowl if the food is runny (think stew). Few dishes to manage = happy campers!

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Byron's Dutch Oven cooking is our go-to recipe spot



There are lots of other good camp cooking sites if you google dutch oven cooking.


Necessary supplies: 2 Dutch ovens - one large, one small. DH loves the cast iron ones but also has an aluminum one for when he is backpacking (lighter). They both work well. Buy a good pair of tongs for removing the lid (it's HOT). And a couple good ladles for spooning out the goodies.


We also take an aluminum coffee pot. That's all we need. Each person is issued a plate/cup/knife-fork-spoon combo. The cup can double as a bowl if the food is runny (think stew). Few dishes to manage = happy campers!



:iagree:Dutch oven is the way to go. With one of those if you can cook it at home you can cook it camping. Also, one thing that is so nice to do, is pre chop everything you'd use before you go, and if your making any cakes, biscuits etc premix the dry ingredients and stick in bags so thats already done too.:001_smile:

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I remember my mother and father building an oven with a flat rock, sticks and aluminum foil. They baked biscuits and an apple pie.


I think they took two nasty black cast iron skillets and a nasty black dutch oven camping every year, and we'd cook pancakes and eggs and fresh fish for breakfast. My dad would have spaghetti or beans cooking over a slow fire all day long.


We made toast by putting bread on a stick and toasting it over the fire.


And we ate a lot of sandwiches. :D


We also used to make banana boats for dessert: Cut a wedge lengthwise down an unpeeled banana. Peel back the peel over the wedge, leaving one edge attached. Remove the banana wedge, fill the space with mini-marshmallows and chocolate chips, and place the peel back over the top of the choc & marshmallows. Wrap the whole thing in foil and place in the coals of the campfire for...I don't remember how long. Until the marshmallows and chocolate are all melted and gooey. Peel back the banana peel "lid" and eat with a spoon.



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Like a Dutch Oven (only better) is a South African Potjie Pot. They are iron caldrons with legs and rounded bottoms that are purpose build for cooking in camp-fires while out in the veldt.


It only takes a tiny amount of fuel to keep a Potjie Pot going for hours. Think crock-pot like meals. If you go with a group you earn serious camping credibility with these.





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