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We could use some prayers.

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We had to call hospice for my MIL yesterday. I know it is the very best choice for her, but it is so hard on her children.


We made a rushed visit to see her last weekend, and when we were packing the car, Miss Happy tripped in the grass, and now she won't put weight on her left leg.


Dh's sisters are making advanced funeral arrangements, so that it won't be hanging over their heads. They picked pall bearers who were close to MIL, but not family.


One of Dh's brothers said, no, he wanted all of the grandsons to be pall bearers. I think it is beautiful symbolism, but I want my own son to sit with me. He will want his momma close, and his sisters will want to be clinging to him.


Also, the BIL who wants the grandsons to be pall bearers has a son younger than mine who is very emotionally wrecked about his grandma's illness. It's none of my business, but I can predict that he is going to need his momma close by too.


My MIL is such a beautiful and competent person. She's a nurse, a devout Catholic and the mother of 8 amazing children. It is horrible to see her delusional, anxious and worried about mortal sin.


Please join me in asking God that His perfect will be accomplished in every detail of her care and death and that we can all treat each other with love and kindness during this stressful time.

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I am so very sorry :grouphug: It was very difficult (but necessary) for my parents to make the hospice decision for my mother. My mother was able to make all the decisions concerning her vigil prayer service and funeral mass, though.


I don't think my son, at 16, could have been a pallbearer for his grandmother.

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Thanks. The Hospice nurse said that while MIL is not actively dying, she is in decline.


When ds woke up, I asked him if he wanted to be a pall bearer. He said, "Absolutely not." So at least my prediction was correct.


At my dad's funeral in November, Dh was busy taking care of details, I needed to hold my one year old. My oldest held my 4 year old, and Ds was a huge comfort to my inconsolable 12 year old. Is that an oxymoron? He consoled the inconsolable?


The good news is that MIL is in her own home, surrounded by her children. Dh is going to be able to work out of the Louisiana office next week to he can give his sister a break.

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