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So unbelievably tired.

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Trying to night-wean my 25-month-old and get him to sleep through the night in his crib, rather than - as I have been doing for way too long - taking the path of least resistance and nursing him overnight in our bed.


I hoped that sleeping through the night would follow nightweaning pretty quickly. Right now we're stuck in a place where he has more or less accepted that I'm not going to nurse him until sunrise, but he still wants me to hold him for an hour or two when he wakes up. And maybe sing a medley of his favorite songs from The Sound of Music. At 4am.


Then I wake up, get the homeschooling done, address the almost-6yo's smart-mouth issues, and then go to work, where I try to impress people in my new department with how bright I am and how quickly I am learning all the ropes.


I sure would be grateful right now for positive nighttime-toddler stories which don't include encouragement to make him cry it out; soothing pats on the back; and caffeinated beverages.

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Does it make you feel any better to know that during the night weaning process with my DD8, I threw a sippy cup across the room so hard it put a good-size dent in the wall? I am humbled a bit every time I see it *sigh* So if you're not throwing sippy cups around, I think you're doing REALLY well.


If you're through the "break the nursing habit" part, I'd think you can use the same tactics to break the "holding for 2 hours/medley of show tunes" part too. When we had to do it, we talked a lot about it during the day. We practiced putting things to bed and keeping them there until we said it was time to get up, and we said night-night and GOOD MORNING! I'm so happy to see you! to a lot of different things. Do you think something like that might help? Maybe an earlier or later bedtime might help? Maybe dropping a nap (if he still takes one)?


I can't resist doing this at least once: :grouphug: What you're doing isn't easy, I know. I will be forever grateful that my DD5 self-weaned (though the fact that she still sucks the thumb that helped her do so is just a whole 'nother can of worms *sigh*). And this too shall pass, though it's cold comfort at 4 a.m.


Good luck!


ETA: I didn't register the crib part the first time around. What I did for both of mine in getting them to sleep through the night was get them a twin bed. I know that won't work with every kid, so ignore me if you need to, but I transitioned from sleeping in our bed with them to sleeping in THEIR bed with them. Then I weaned them of my sleeping with them. It was just easier on everyone than the alternative. For whatever that's worth to you!

Edited by melissel
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Thanks for your thoughts. No holes in the wall yet, at least, so I guess it's not as bad as it could be. ;) We've been talking a lot about nighttime, but I hadn't thought of role playing with his doll. We did some of that yesterday evening - we'll see if it helps over time.


His nap is down to about an hour. We tried eliminating it entirely, but he can't really cope with that.


Thanks again for the support. I'm sure we'll get through this eventually. I was spoiled by my first, who went into the crib awake and slept all night from ten months on.

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Here's a hug. :grouphug:


I went a different route in getting DS to sleep, but I hope things work out soon.


On a completely unrelated note, I adore your blog and the way it details how you row. It has been so helpful to neon figuring what I want a K year to look like.

:grouphug: plus wishes of good coffee at your disposal!

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I second the twin bed idea. I co-slept with DD in a twin bed.


I finally started feigning sleep. She would talk to me and sing and what-not. I would just lie there and not respond.


If she fussed and it went on too long or regressed into crying I would tell her that I was asleep so she needed to be quiet. :lol:

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On a completely unrelated note, I adore your blog and the way it details how you row. It has been so helpful to neon figuring what I want a K year to look like.

:grouphug: plus wishes of good coffee at your disposal!


:D What an incredibly nice thing to hear, especially when I've been feeling so worn out and borderline incompetent. Thank you!

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Do you think it might just be easier to go back to night nursing for a few more months? You might get more sleep and he may be ready to let go of it then.


My ds2 is 31 mos. and has been nursing at night less and less. Several times a week he sleeps through the night, but he just wasn't ready to do that at 25 mos.


Good luck, whatever you do. :)

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Rivka--I so understand. I have a 27 month old who nurses A LOT at night. I am so tired I get up many mornings wondering how I will get through the day without a nap myself. I don't know how you do that with new job responsibilities. I am not sure if you are into anything like this or not, but when I give him a nighttime massage with lavendar and almond oil he sleeps much better. Four nights in a row he slept through the night. We will see what happens tonight. Hey--it might not work but at least it might give you a little hope. Hope things get better soon!!!

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