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If your child was exposed to strep throat......

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On Tuesday my two DD's played with their friends. On Thursday we find out that their friends came down with strep throat. Last night DD4 begins running a fever and her nose is all stuffy.


Would you automatically assume it's strep throat? I've had strep before and I was absolutely miserable, my throat was raw, and I couldn't eat a thing. I don't want DD4 to get to that point. I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take her to urgent care this morning?


However, her throat is not hurting. And I looked up strep throat online and it said that if you have cold symptoms, that does not go along with strep.


I don't know whether to take her in or not. I don't want her throat to get bad. But then again, she has cold symptoms. It just seems like too much of a coincidence that their friends came down with strep throat and now she has a fever.


Since the fever just began last night, would a throat swab even pick up the strep yet?

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Strep throat is really, really tricky!!! :( My kids have had it along with cold symptoms. They have had sore throats and NOT had it. They do usually have a sore throat- but sometimes it is really mild and goes away. I would probably have her checked just to be safe. It can cause more damage if it is left untreated... better to be safe than sorry is my motto with it.

But you could also wait a bit and see how she does. However, we have had strep- where they seem to be getting better...but it is still strep. It is a stinky thing to deal with!

So sorry,


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Even if this is the beginning of strep, a swab isn't likely to come back positive this morning. I'd treat it like any other illness for the moment and reconsider on Monday morning. Obviously if she gets a high fever or a truly terrible sore throat, you could take her in sooner. But I suspect she'll be okay 'til Monday either way. On the other hand, it may be obvious by then that it's "just" a cold and you'll feel better about waiting it out.


Either way, she doesn't really have symptoms of strep yet and since the rapid test would be unreliable at this point, I'd wait.


ETA: I totally agree that strep is nasty and horrible and *needs* to be treated with antibiotics. And my kids have had strep without sore throats, etc, etc. It can be tricky. But even paranoid as I am about strep, in this case I'd wait.

Edited by abbeyej
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I would try to get her to gargle with warm salt water. Maybe let her do that in the shower where she can make a game of it or something. The salt water will sometimes kill the strep in her throat if she was exposed. This sounds more like allergy symptoms than strep throat. I would try something like Dimetap for that age and it will treat cold and allergy symptoms. If this doesn't seem to help, it could be strep. Also, some tylenol type medicine for the fever will make her more comfortable.


It is my understanding that strep usually takes about a week to produce symptoms, or that has been my experience. You can almost count the days, one week for us if they are passing it around and the next one will get the symptoms. Hope she feels better soon.

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Even if this is the beginning of strep, a swab isn't likely to come back positive this morning. I'd treat it like any other illness for the moment and reconsider on Monday morning. Obviously if she gets a high fever or a truly terrible sore throat, you could take her in sooner. But I suspect she'll be okay 'til Monday either way. On the other hand, it may be obvious by then that it's "just" a cold and you'll feel better about waiting it out.


Either way, she doesn't really have symptoms of strep yet and since the rapid test would be unreliable at this point, I'd wait.


ETA: I totally agree that strep is nasty and horrible and *needs* to be treated with antibiotics. And my kids have had strep without sore throats, etc, etc. It can be tricky. But even paranoid as I am about strep, in this case I'd wait.


:iagree: My kids get cold symptoms w/ strep usually, but not always. But they never test pos. for the first couple of days. I'd wait until Monday. It would really stink for your dd to have it, test neg., be miserable even longer, and you ending up having to go back a second time.

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i agree. if you wait until monday, there is less chance of a false negative.


also often kids complain of tummy ache with strep instead of sore throat. don't know why.


when i had strep it was AWFUL.


i would keep them away from other kids and dose up on the purell for the family.

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Thanks everyone!


Wow, it's crazy how different it can present in each person! I think I'll wait until Monday unless she starts complaining of her throat a lot before then.


The only thing that stinks is that she has an appointment with her opthamoligist on Monday morning and we've been waiting on that appointment for quite a while. I guess we'll just have to reschedule....hopefully we won't get charged a fee since I'll have to cancel only a few hours before her appointment on Monday morning. :glare:

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I would get some oregano oil if you don't have some already. It can cure strep throat and is natural and completely safe for littles. I give my kids a half a dose at the first signs of getting sick and they usually don't ever catch the cold. I give them 2 drops mixed with apple juice. I usually mix it with a single squirt of this as well and it's wonderful. We take it at the first signs of illness and often don't catch it. :)

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I would get some oregano oil if you don't have some already. It can cure strep throat and is natural and completely safe for littles. I give my kids a half a dose at the first signs of getting sick and they usually don't ever catch the cold. I give them 2 drops mixed with apple juice. I usually mix it with a single squirt of this as well and it's wonderful. We take it at the first signs of illness and often don't catch it. :)

Thanks for that. I didn't know how I could give it to my kids.

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