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Do you have any current obsessions?

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Oh yes I did the online chat help thingy on there and the girl gave me links to the shape shifter. It looks cool and apparently I can buy it in whatever size I need. YAY! :hurray: I've got like 7 Youtube windows open for them now. lol Do you know about the hair dyes?? Do you have to bleach the hair first in order to put in the color?? I am trying to decide whether to the linkies extensions thingy or to just dye my own hair. What do you think?? Thanks again for the site link. :)


I was just talking to my MIL who works in a salon about dying colors. The stylists said that in order for it to be bright, you must first strip the hair of color completely. If you don't you will get muddled colors, (esp. the blues). Plus, they said with some colors, you may have to do it 2 or 3 times to get it bright enough.


Plus, I have light colored hair, and one stylist I went to refused to do blue, because she said that over time it will bleed a little onto the other hairs, and I will end up with some greenish muddy hair, so she gave me a semi-permanent red and I loved it.


So, for me, I am chicken to do the colors on my own, AND if you want a stylist, I would definitely go to a stylist that is obviously in to doing wild color and outrageous hair, not someone who is used to doing only regular hair. (i went to a girl that does all of the surfers and punk kids in town, and she did a great job).


Other than that, I have worked with synthetic hair quite a bit and love the not-permanent aspect of it. You may get sick of a bubblegum pink strip faster than you think;).

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I was just talking to my MIL who works in a salon about dying colors. The stylists said that in order for it to be bright, you must first strip the hair of color completely. If you don't you will get muddled colors, (esp. the blues). Plus, they said with some colors, you may have to do it 2 or 3 times to get it bright enough.


Plus, I have light colored hair, and one stylist I went to refused to do blue, because she said that over time it will bleed a little onto the other hairs, and I will end up with some greenish muddy hair, so she gave me a semi-permanent red and I loved it.


So, for me, I am chicken to do the colors on my own, AND if you want a stylist, I would definitely go to a stylist that is obviously in to doing wild color and outrageous hair, not someone who is used to doing only regular hair. (i went to a girl that does all of the surfers and punk kids in town, and she did a great job).


Other than that, I have worked with synthetic hair quite a bit and love the not-permanent aspect of it. You may get sick of a bubblegum pink strip faster than you think;).


Oh thank you so much for the information. Yeah, I don't want to strip my hair. It looks like I'll go with the synthetic weave. I'll PM you from here on out so I don't hijack this thread anymore if that's okay with you. :)


Sorry to sort of hijack! But can you tell what one of my obsessions is??:lol:


Ummmm. I'm guessing it's either being helpful or putting funky colors in your hair. ;) :D Thanks again.

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making waldorf dolls!


Grr. Don't talk about Waldorf dolls. I just decided yesterday that I need to dismantle the dolls I made for the kids for Christmas and redo the bodies, and the girl's hair. I wish I could buy talent drops from the shops for these situations. :rolleyes:


Yay for you. I'm glad you can make them. Don't forget to post them in the crafters thread at the end of the months so I can wail and gnash my teeth that I'm not so good.



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That is so funny Jean! I grew up in Bellevue and my parents still live there. In Colorado we pay 4-5 bucks for one of those puny little plastic containers of blackberries. It is so funny because we always were trying to get rid of the darn thigs! We always get our fix on them when we visit my parents.:lol:


MY current obsession is with our move to Nashville. We have our house under contract with a long 3 month closing. We are researching and learning all we can about TN! In two weeks we will be there so I am searching what houses to see and what churches to check out. At the same time I am kind of feeling unsure of leaving everything here. I am a mess!





I forgot my other obsession - chopping blackberry vines! My neighbor believes in letting nature take it course, which is fine for her, but those darn blackberries go over and under the fence and then start taking over my yard! My health wasn't good enough last year to keep up the battle but now it is WAR! Dd9 has joined in on this obsession. She chopped for an hour yesterday and came in proudly asking for 8 bandaids:lol: They are all chopped. Now I'm digging out blackberry vine roots.
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I am currently rearranging beds and outfitting them with new, mattress toppers, pads, sheets, bedding and pillows. We have four beds so it is kind of expensive and is having to happen at a slower pace than I would prefer but I am driven to complete this project. Then I will move on to finishing the girls rooms. I am on a roll right now and I can tell you it feels good. It has been a long time since I have felt motivated to get anything done. :)

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