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S/O Do you care if you household items match? ie towels, dishes, sheets etc?

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Nope nothing matches.


Oh I have sets of dishes that match but 2 different sets in the cabinet. Same with silverware -- 2 sets. Towels are a wide assortment of colors. Sheets are bought in sets but don't match the blankets on the bed.


Most of my stuff comes from yard sales, thrift stores, hand me downs and really good sales.

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S/O from the sheet thread....


Do you care if you household items match? To what extent? I figure there are a too many options for a poll so I won't bother.




ie do you want your daily silverware to match, but don't care if your cooking utensils are different brands/designs?


We are still using kitchen utensils from pre-marriage. Both DH and I brought some into the house. So two partial sets of flatware mingle in our kitchen drawers. Pots and pan and baking dishes are mix and match. They are intended for use, not show. We do have eight matching dinner plates. Our drinking glasses are mix and match.


Someday I will have the money, time, and energy to put into finding replacement plates and flatware. The mix-match elements of our table setting do bother me, just not enough that I care to go shopping for replacements.


Do you want your guest towels to match, but don't care about the kids bath?


I try to coordinate towel colors by bathroom. It makes putting away the laundry easier.


Do you care, but just don't have the energy or money to put into it?



Do you only care a bit....ie who cares as long as they all look similar?


Do you care, but find it futile, because bits and pieces of matching sets always disappear at your house, so you have given up?


Do you only care about what a guest may see?


Guests have to take our house as they find it. If it bothers them, they are welcome to purchase new items for us.


Do you match things to the up most extent that even hand soap color matters?


All handsoap is clear. It is poured from the same economy-size refill bottle. :)

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I need everything to match. I seriously have issues, every time I look at uncoordinated things it freaks me out a little. However I refuse to be wasteful so I shove my feelings down and just try to weed things out slowly as they get worn.


Wow I sound so unhealthy lol

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I prefer things to match/coordinate. When we've redone a room, we remove everything, and I am very careful about what goes back in. We've completely redone our bedroom and our living area/office. We pretty much just bought most of it to work together.


We still have the dishes we bought when we married, but I don't care about things like cooking utensils matching. Well, it might be nice, but I don't want to spend the money on that just yet. I just weed out what I don't use because I cannot stand clutter.


Oh, and I like all of my dish towels to be the same make (color can vary as long as they go together). When those get old, they become rags and I buy new ones that match. I am very picky about them actually soaking up water, so I buy colorful or white bar mop towels.


I am not a fan of having many decorative things sitting around, so I like to coordinate what I do have.


On a very honest level, I will admit I like it when things all match. Like, I don't like having those few plastic character plates and cups in my cabinets. I honestly like it when my pens are all the same. I don't like it when the rubberbands move into the section with the paperclips in our desk organizer. I also like all pens, pencils and even money facing in the same direction. I cannot stand junk drawers, so I have none.


Please don't report me. :)

Edited by nestof3
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On a very honest level, I will admit I like it when things all match. Like, I don't like having those few plastic character plates and cups in my cabinets. I honestly like it when my pens are all the same. I don't like it when the rubberbands move into the section with the paperclips in our desk organizer. I also like all pens, pencils and even money facing in the same direction. I cannot stand junk drawers, so I have none.


Please don't report me. :)


We are so much alike. My husband used to get cracked up at me arranging his money in his wallet. He likes it that way now. :D When the kids "help" by putting away towels, I always go back and rearrange them so they are all facing the same way. I love little containers to keep small things like erasers and such corralled. Oh, and the last of the plastic cartoon plates and bowls are headed to a thrift store TOMORROW!!! I have only big kids now.

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We are so much alike. My husband used to get cracked up at me arranging his money in his wallet. He likes it that way now. :D When the kids "help" by putting away towels, I always go back and rearrange them so they are all facing the same way. I love little containers to keep small things like erasers and such corralled. Oh, and the last of the plastic cartoon plates and bowls are headed to a thrift store TOMORROW!!! I have only big kids now.



You didn't by chance test your markers out when you were growing up so that you could discard the ones that no longer had enough ink, did you? :blush:

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You didn't by chance test your markers out when you were growing up so that you could discard the ones that no longer had enough ink, did you? :blush:

Oh,my! That is me even now. I go thru the markers and pens to make sure they have enough ink. I don't care if anything in my house matches but I can't stand picking up a marker that is low on ink.


And to the person who arranges money, I do that too. And it has to be facing the same way. I worked in a business office once where I had to count and sort money. It was so much fast if it was in order and facing the same way so I made it my personal habit as well as the change drawer appearance :lol:

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