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ANOTHER Bath Tub Question (My Life is SO pathetic!)...................

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Next round of bath tub questions: we are not doing the claw foot tub. We are doing the shower over tub. The new tub will be white -- dh, contractor and I looked at a nice one -- it is slightly deeper so those who want to soak, can. No jets.


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, today I realize that the tub that is in there is a white, cast iron tub. The new tub would be fiberglass or whatever the heck they are made from these days.


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm thinking, why in the world should we remove the one that is there. I could have someone come in and re-finish it for the price of a new tub it does have scratches - it is 60 years old) - and it would be a cast iron tub that for all intent and purpose, is just fine.


ETA: There is no cost savings/benefit to keeping the cast iron tub and refinishing it as opposed to having the contractor remove it and replace it. The contractor has already been paid for the labor - dh and I pay for the materials as he tells us we need them. The new tub would be approx $250 and the cost to re-finish is approx $250. In light of what has been mentioned here regarding what might be 'lurking' under the old tub, I am inclined to keep it right where it is;) and have it re-finished when all the other work is complete.


What do you think?:confused:

Edited by MariannNOVA
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You could look into the cost difference and how effective the re-finishing is withour removing the tub. If they are the smae cost, I would get the new tub. I personally find cast iron tubs to be very cold. You spend half the bath water just getting the thing warm enough to sit in!!


On the other hand, when you remove the tub, you coud be inviting a whole new set of problems to be discovered (rusty connections, water damage to floor, mold, yada, yada, yada......)

You may just want to leave better off alone and refinish the darn thing!


I don't think either choice will effect the resale value.



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You could look into the cost difference and how effective the re-finishing is withour removing the tub. If they are the smae cost, I would get the new tub. I personally find cast iron tubs to be very cold. You spend half the bath water just getting the thing warm enough to sit in!!


On the other hand, when you remove the tub, you coud be inviting a whole new set of problems to be discovered (rusty connections, water damage to floor, mold, yada, yada, yada......)

You may just want to leave better off alone and refinish the darn thing!


I don't think either choice will effect the resale value.



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Will a cast iron tub keep the bath water hot for an appreciably longer time? If so, keep it!


I'd never give up a cast iron for a fiberglass. I run in all hot water, get myself ready, and then slip into a perfect tub that stays warm a whole lot longer.


Very helpful -- thank you.:)

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